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Japan - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 42nd session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: January 31, 2023


Canada commends Japan for the Act recognizing the Ainu people as an Indigenous People.

Canada recommends that Japan:

Consider the establishment of an independent national human rights institution in accordance with The Paris Principles.

  1. Consider the establishment of an independent national human rights institution in accordance with The Paris Principles.
  2. Continue efforts for the advancement of gender equality and promotion of women’s empowerment in political and economic spaces.
  3. Further the efforts to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, recognize on a national level same-sex partnerships and permit same-sex marriage.
  4. Follow the appropriate UN standard rules to improve detention conditions including better medical and psychiatric treatment; appropriate heating in the winter; and larger servings of food to prisoners.

Canada continues to be concerned about the lack of a moratorium on the use of capital punishment, and urges the Government of Japan to engage in a public debate about the use of the death penalty.

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