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Republic of Moldova - Universal Periodic Review

UPR 40, January 24, 2022

Recommendations by Canada 


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Thank you Mister President.

Canada welcomes the October 2021 ratification by Moldova of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. We would like to recognize Moldova's reform efforts to advance human rights, and encourage further actions.

Canada recommends that the Republic of Moldova:

  1. Implement judicial reforms and improved legislation and policies based on international standards in the field of human rights in line with their ratification of the Istanbul Convention, and its adjoining recommendations;  
  2. Take concrete action to protect the rights of persons who are marginalized and most vulnerable, including ethnic and religious minorities, women, children, and LGBTI persons, while taking steps to foster their most fulsome inclusion.
  3. Increase women's participation in decision-making, as well as prevent and address gender based violence.
  4. Take steps to ensure the independence of the broadcasting regulatory authority to enable investigative journalists to carry out their work in exposing human rights violations both in Moldova, including in the autonomous region of Gagauzia, and in the secessionist region of Transnistria.  


Canada remains concerned about the state of human rights in Moldova, noting that much work remains. Nonetheless, Canada recognizes that the current Moldovan government has demonstrated interest in tackling important human rights challenges.

Canada remains interested in working with the Moldovan government and Moldovan civil society organizations to support projects and local initiatives aimed at women's rights, the rights of Roma and LGBTI individuals, and improving the rights of detainees in penitentiaries.

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