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Morocco - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 41st session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: November 8, 2022


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Canada welcomes Morocco's ongoing commitment and efforts on gender equality, including the adoption of Bill No. 103.13 (French only) which criminalizes violence against women.

Canada recommends that Morocco:

  1. Continue to enforce the minimum age of marriage under Article 19 of the Family Code and combat customary marriages of minors not recognized by law.
  2. Continue the process of revising the Family Code, in particular the issue of equality in inheritance.
  3. End discrimination and criminalize violence against persons based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
  4. Revise Bill No. 02‑03 to ensure that the rights of migrants and unaccompanied migrant children, asylum seekers and refugees are respected at all times, in accordance with international refugee and human rights law.

Canada remains concerned about the reporting of human rights defenders, as well as their lack of freedom of association. We encourage Morocco to protect human rights defenders by promoting freedom of association and expression.

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