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Singapore - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 38th session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: May 12, 2021


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Canada welcomes the steps taken by Singapore to enhance gender equality.
Canada recommends that Singapore:

  1. Enact comprehensive national anti-discrimination legislation to prohibit discrimination.
  2. Address discriminatory laws and practices against the LGBTI community, including through the repeal of Section 377A in the Penal Code, and enable transgender persons to change their legal sex without undergoing sex reassignment surgery.
  3. Review and amend the Protection Against Online Falsehoods and Misinformation Act to establish an independent body to review possible cases of disinformation and to ensure consistency with accepted principles of international law.
  4. Significantly improve living conditions of migrant workers’ dormitories, and extend labour protections under the Employment Act to include domestic workers.
  5. Abolish the death penalty.

Canada is pleased to note that Singapore repealed marital immunity for rape in May 2019.

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