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Sri Lanka - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 42nd session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: February 1, 2023


Canada welcomes Sri Lanka’s efforts to respond to the economic crisis, including negotiating a staff-level agreement with the IMF and conducting diaspora outreach. We encourage the government to take into account the needs of the most vulnerable, and protect fundamental democratic rights and freedoms.

Canada recommends that Sri Lanka:

  1. Repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act and ensure that any replacement legislation is compliant with Sri Lanka’s international human rights obligations.
  2. Decriminalize same-sex relations by repealing Sections 365 and 365A of the penal code.
  3. Promptly conduct independent and impartial investigations and prosecutions in all cases of human rights violations, including those perpetrated by law enforcement and military.
  4. Ensure that any amendment to the Voluntary Social Service Organizations Act does not impede the ability of civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations to operate freely, independently and safely.

Canada remains concerned over the lack of an effective truth seeking mechanism with respect to the civil war years and urges Sri Lanka to promptly establish such a mechanism to put the country on the path to meaningful peace and reconciliation.

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