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Switzerland - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 42nd session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: January 27, 2023


Canada is pleased that marriage for all in Switzerland came into force on July 1, 2022, and welcomes the planned creation of a national institution for human rights in 2023.

Canada recommends that Switzerland:

  1. participate in the analysis of migration governance indicators with the International Organization for Migration and implement its recommendations
  2. harmonize best practices at the federal and cantonal levels to combat racism, discrimination, intolerance and racial profiling, particularly toward migrant workers and people of African descent
  3. introduce a more generous parental leave policy for both parents and increase public funding for daycare to increase the participation and representation of women in the workforce

Canada encourages Switzerland to continue its efforts to combat human trafficking, particularly by adding an explicit legal definition of labour exploitation to the Swiss Criminal Code.

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