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Uganda - Universal Periodic Review

UPR 40, January 24, 2022

Recommendations by Canada


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Thank you, Mister President.

Canada welcomes the positive steps taken by Uganda to strengthen the enforcement of human rights listed in its Constitution through the enactment of the 2019 Human Rights (Enforcement) Act.

Canada recommends that Uganda:

  1. Investigate reports of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions, enforced disappearances and torture before, during, and following Uganda's 2021 elections, and hold accountable the parties responsible.
  2. End the intimidation and harassment of domestic and international journalists by state authorities and provide a free and safe operating environment for the media.
  3. Respect freedom of expression online, including by ending the practice of enforcing internet shutdowns and taxing the use of social media.
  4. Take measures to end discrimination and persecution against LGBTI persons by repealing legislation that prohibits sexual activity between consenting adults of any gender; investigating and prosecuting incidents of police violence, arbitrary arrest and detention targeting LGBTI persons; and recognizing the full legal equality of LGBTI persons, including in marital and family matters.

Canada remains deeply troubled by reports of the shrinking space in Uganda for civil society, opposition parties, and the media.

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