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Zambia - Universal Periodic Review

Session reviewed: 42nd session of the Universal Periodic Review
Date reviewed: January 30, 2023


Canada welcomes the positive steps taken by Zambia’s Government in opening civic space, allowing greater media freedom, promoting political dialogue, and banning child, early and forced marriages, aligning with President Hichilema’s role as AU Champion for Ending Child Marriage.

Canada recommends that Zambia:

  1. Repeal laws and review legislation and policies that explicitly or implicitly criminalize same-sex relations among consenting adults, and review municipal by-laws used to harass and detain individuals based on their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
  2. Improve the enforcement of the Anti-Gender—Based Violence Act, which criminalizes rape, by thoroughly investigating and prosecuting all acts of sexual violence against women and girls.
  3. Protect the human rights of people with albinism, including by preventing acts of violence and promoting their equal access to education, health services and economic opportunities, through public awareness campaigns and providing training to officials delivering government services.

Canada continues to be concerned about reports of violence against the LGBTQ community. As recommended during Zambia’s last UPR, Canada urges the Government of Zambia to repeal the laws criminalizing same-sex relations and create the conditions that all LGBTI individuals are safe from harassment, threats, stalking, detainment and violence.

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