Feminist International Assistance Policy Indicators
Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy seeks to reduce extreme poverty and build a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous world. The Policy recognizes that promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls is the most effective approach to achieving this goal.
The Policy contains the following six Action Areas:
- Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; which is the core Action Area. Gender equality can be advanced throughout our work by integrating this analysis across the other areas of action.
- Human dignity, which includes health and nutrition, education and humanitarian action;
- Growth that works for everyone, which targets areas such as sustainable agriculture, green technologies and renewable energy;
- Environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water management;
- Inclusive governance, including democracy, human rights and the rule of law; and
- Peace and security, by promoting inclusive peace processes and combatting gender-based violence.
The Policy also commits to improve evidence based decision making by investing in better data collection and evaluation for gender equality. This can be achieved in part by developing stronger and more meaningful performance indicators to track the performance of Canada’s international assistance programming.
To meet this commitment Global Affairs Canada developed a suite of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track and monitor progress achieved in the six Action Areas of the Feminist International Assistance Policy. A set of complementary indicators have also been identified to track global gender equality trends, Canada’s gender equality advocacy efforts and progress on gender equality within the Department.
Action Area Key Performance Indicators: measure and monitor the implementation of the Feminist International Assistance Policy through Canada’s international assistance programming in each Action Area.
Global Indicators: measure progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Advocacy Indicators: measure progress on how well Global Affairs Canada is promoting and influencing Canada’s interests and values in the world.
Corporate Indicators: measure progress on advancing the government’s feminist agenda within Global Affairs Canada.
After the end of each fiscal year, Global Affairs Canada will collect data on the Key Performance Indicators through an annual reporting exercise. This data will be publicly available the following winter.
An accompanying Q&A document has been developed to answer questions on the Key Performance Indicators and their integration into project design and reporting.
If you have any questions please contact IAResults/ResultatsAI@international.gc.ca
Action Area Key Performance Indicators
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
- Number of people reached by projects that help prevent, respond to and end sexual and gender-based violence, including child, early and forced marriage and/or Female Genital Mutilation (SDG 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 16.1)
- Dollars invested and number of women’s organizations and women’s networks (international and local) advancing women’s rights and gender equality that receive support for programming and/or institutional strengthening (SDG 5.1, 5.5, 5.C)
Human Dignity
Health and Nutrition
- Number of people reached with sexual and reproductive health services, including modern methods of contraception(SDG 3.7)
- Number of people reached with nutrition specific interventions (SDG 2.2)
- Number of people reached with health services (SDG 2.2)
- Dollars invested and number of projects that support comprehensive sexuality education (SDG 5.6)
- Number of teachers trained , according to national standards and/or approved teacher training programs (SDG 4.C)
- Number of schools that have implemented changes to create welcoming spaces that respond to the specific needs of girls (SDG 4.A)
- Number of people trained in demand-driven technical and vocational education and training (SDG 4.5)
- Number of learners enrolled in formal or non-formal education at the pre-primary, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary, and post-secondary education levels (SDG 4)
Gender-responsive humanitarian action
- Percentage of humanitarian assistance projects that include sexual and/or gender-based violence or sexual and reproductive health and rights components (SDG 5.2, SDG 5.6)
- Number of people who have received sexual and reproductive health services, including access to contraception, through a humanitarian response delivered by CSOs (SDG 3.7, SDG 5.6)
Growth that works for everyone
- Number of people reached by projects that support women’s economic empowerment (SDG 5.A)
- Number of entrepreneurs, farmers and smallholders provided with financial and/or business development services (SDG 2.3, SDG 5.A and SDG 9.3)
Environment and Climate Action
- Number of people newly-employed in the environment sector, including in technical, supervisory and management roles (SDG 13)
- Number of beneficiaries from climate adaptation projects (SDG 13.1)
- Megatons of greenhouse gas emissions reduced or avoided (SDG 13)
Inclusive Governance
- Number of individuals with an enhanced capacity to advance human rights
- Number of individuals with an enhanced capacity to deliver justice and/or legal services (SDG 16.3)
- Number of individuals with an enhanced awareness and/or knowledge and/or skills to promote women’s participation and leadership in public life (SDG 5.5)
- Number of institutions (national/regional/local) with enhanced capacity to enable inclusive, responsive and sustainable public service delivery (SDG 16)
Peace and Security
- Number of military, police, and civilian personnel trained in peacekeeping competencies, including gender equality, and addressing sexual and gender-based violence, and sexual exploitation and abuse (SDG 16)
- The amount of international assistance funds (dollars) invested by Global Affairs Canada and the number of projects supported by Global Affairs Canada in international and national efforts to investigate and prosecute crimes committed in situations of violent conflict, including crimes involving sexual and gender-based violence (SDG 16)
- Dollars invested and number of civil-society organizations, including women’s organizations, supported through GAC funding to increase participation of women in peace negotiations, and conflict-prevention efforts (SDG 16)
Supporting all Action Areas
- Percentage of bilateral international assistance investments that either target or integrate gender equality and the empowerment of women (SDG 5)
- Number of small and medium-sized Canadian organizations supported to develop and implement programming in partnership with local organizations to support the six action areas, notably Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls (SDG 17)
Global Indicators
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
- Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (SDG 5)
- Proportion of women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 and before age 18 (SDG 5)
Human Dignity
Health and Nutrition
- Adolescent birth rate (aged 15-19 years) per 1,000 women in that age group (SDG 3)
- Proportion of women aged 15-49, married or in a union, who have their need for family planning satisfied through modern contraception methods (SDG 3)
- Under Five Mortality Ratio (SDG 3)
- Maternal Mortality Ratio (SDG 3)
- Prevalence of undernourishment (SDG 2)
- Percentage of population in a given age group achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional (a) literacy and (b) numeracy skills, by sex (SDG 4)
- Percentage of primary school teachers (m/f) who have received at least the minimum organized teacher training (SDG 4)
- Global number of out-of-school children, adolescents and youth (m/f) (SDG 4)
- Primary and lower-secondary school completion rate (m/f) (SDG 4)
Gender-responsive humanitarian action
- Number of people (m/f/children) in need of humanitarian assistance (SDG 1)
Growth that works for everyone
- Proportion of population below the international poverty line, by sex, age, employment status and geographical location (urban/rural) (SDG 1)
- Financial inclusion: proportion of adults (m/f) with an account at a bank or another type of financial institution or mobile money provider.
- Shared Prosperity: number of countries where the poorest 40% have experienced income growth greater than the most wealthy 60% (SDG 10)
Environment and Climate Action
- Ranking by country on vulnerability; and on overall readiness (economic, governance and social) to leverage investments and adapt to climate change (ND-Gain, SDG 13)
- Mobilized $ amount per year towards the commitment to mobilize $100B of climate finance under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (SDG 13)
- Ranking by country on the Environmental Performance Index, which ranks countries on environment issues and their impacts on human health and ecosystems
Inclusive Governance
- Percentage of seats held by women in national parliaments (SDG 5)
- Number (of total) countries with a law mandating non-discrimination based on gender in hiring (SDG 5)
- Score on Government Effectiveness (Worldwide Governance Indicators) (SDG 16)
- Percentage of female justices in constitutional courts (SDG 16)
Peace and Security
- Number (of total) women uniformed members working in UN peacekeeping operations (SDG 5 and SDG 16)
- Individual aggregated country scores on the Fragile States Index (SDG 16)
- Global Peace Index (compares short-term peace and security needs with long-term structures that promote peace) (SDG 16)
- Global Index on Women, Peace and Security (source: Georgetown University and PRIO; launched on October 26, 2017) (SDG 16 and CNAP)
Advocacy Indicators
- Percentage of Canadian-led initiatives introduced through international and regional organizations related to gender equality that are accepted
- Percentage of diplomatic activities addressing gender equality and rights and empowerment of Women and Girls which met their stated objectives
- Degree to which Canadian positions on gender equality are reflected in the outcome of discussions and negotiations, such as agreements, arrangements and resolutions
- Percentage of advocacy campaigns and engagement activities addressing gender equality and rights and empowerment of Women and Girls which met their stated objectives
- Number of influencers reached through Canadian-hosted events on women's empowerment, rights and gender equality
- Number of Canadian interventions or statements in the United Nations Security Council, General Assembly, or other relevant international fora that encourage the implementation of Women, Peace, and Security principles (CNAP)
Corporate Indicators
- Number (of total) women employed in the Department
- Number (of total) women in Head of Mission positions
- Number (of total) GAC executives who are women
- Number (of total) women representatives on executive committees
- Number (of total appointments) Canadian women supported for appointments to senior positions in international organizations for which GAC has responsibility to make appointments
- Number (of total) of GAC employees that have completed the GBA+ online course
- Number (of total) GAC professional staff who have taken a course on advancing gender equality in the past 3 years
- Number of projects employing innovative approaches in the delivery of international assistance, including experimentation with new partnerships, policies, practices, behavioural insights, technologies and/or business models
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