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Feminist International Assistance Policy Indicators

Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy seeks to reduce extreme poverty and build a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous world. The Policy recognizes that promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls is the most effective approach to achieving this goal.

The Policy contains the following six Action Areas:

The Policy also commits to improve evidence based decision making by investing in better data collection and evaluation for gender equality. This can be achieved in part by developing stronger and more meaningful performance indicators to track the performance of Canada’s international assistance programming.

To meet this commitment Global Affairs Canada developed a suite of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track and monitor progress achieved in the six Action Areas of the Feminist International Assistance Policy. A set of complementary indicators have also been identified to track global gender equality trends, Canada’s gender equality advocacy efforts and progress on gender equality within the Department.

Action Area Key Performance Indicators: measure and monitor the implementation of the Feminist International Assistance Policy through Canada’s international assistance programming in each Action Area.

Global Indicators: measure progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Advocacy Indicators: measure progress on how well Global Affairs Canada is promoting and influencing Canada’s interests and values in the world.

Corporate Indicators: measure progress on advancing the government’s feminist agenda within Global Affairs Canada.

After the end of each fiscal year, Global Affairs Canada will collect data on the Key Performance Indicators through an annual reporting exercise. This data will be publicly available the following winter.

An accompanying Q&A document has been developed to answer questions on the Key Performance Indicators and their integration into project design and reporting.

If you have any questions please contact IAResults/

Action Area Key Performance Indicators

Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

Human Dignity

Health and Nutrition


Gender-responsive humanitarian action

Growth that works for everyone

Environment and Climate Action

Inclusive Governance

Peace and Security

Supporting all Action Areas

Global Indicators

Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

Human Dignity

Health and Nutrition


Gender-responsive humanitarian action

Growth that works for everyone

Environment and Climate Action

Inclusive Governance

Peace and Security

Advocacy Indicators

Corporate Indicators

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