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Canada Day in Chile: Connecting and Celebrating While Apart

Canada Day celebrations included an all-staff virtual gathering.

The Embassy of Canada in Chile flexed its creative muscles to develop a dynamic program of virtual events and communications to celebrate Canada Day under the 2020 theme of #LovefromCanada.

These virtual celebrations demonstrated the positive impact of combining traditional and digital diplomacy tools to convey messages to key partners, reach broader audiences and strengthen personal ties while physically apart.

A Canada Day video aimed at broader audiences served to highlight the Canada-Chile relationship as well as Canadian priorities and values. It featured a number of the activities carried out over the past year by the Embassy, the Canada-Chile Chamber of Commerce and various Canadian companies operating in Chile.


Transcript and English translation of the video Canada Day 2020 #LoveFromCanada

Length of video: 00:06:43

Ambassador Patricia Peña

  • This year, Canada celebrates 153 years since the creation of our Confederation. Although the celebrations will be different, it is an important day for us and an opportunity to reflect on the history and future of our country.
  • An important part of what makes Canada unique is our global identity: our diversity at home and our connections with others around the world.
  • Chile is an indisputable and reliable partner for Canada. This year, we celebrate 79 years of diplomatic relations.
  • We share many values and commitments: multilateralism, the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change, the defense of democracy and human rights, the promotion of diversity and inclusion.
  • During the past year, we have continued to deepen our ties, in political, commercial, cultural and defense matters, as you will see in this video.
  • As Canada's representative in Chile, they make me feel proud and optimistic about our common future.

President of the Chamber of Commerce

  • Good afternoon, I would like to send warm greeting this July 1st on Canada's National Day.
  • My name is Pablo Herrera, I am the President of the Chilean-Canadian Chamber of Commerce. This Chamber has been promoting the progressive development of trade relations between Chile and Canada for 28 years and collaborating in improving business opportunities for both countries.
  • We are living an extremely complex, historical, and unprecedented year, which has made us all uncertain about the future. This will be a year that marks significant changes in all things. The mere fact of greeting you and celebrating Canada Day in a digital way, is a reflection of the changes we are experiencing, and which will mark a before and after.
  • However, something that has not changed is the importance of the relationship between Chile and Canada, which is demonstrated by the level of Canadian investment in our country, reaching US $31 billion, with Canada being the third most important foreign investor for Chile. At the same time, Chile is Canada's seventh largest foreign investor.
  • As relevant as the above, is to highlight the countless exchanges at the level of government, society, and agreements of principles on issues such as: inclusion, diversity, gender, sustainability, and care for the environment.
  • Other aspects of Chile that have allowed the increasing arrival of Canadian capital are: the existence of economic freedom, legal security, rule of law, equality and arbitrary non-discrimination in economic matters, and property rights, among others.
  • Finally, I would like to give a sign of optimism, despite this complex scenario, and on this day of celebration of Canada Day, invite us to work together with hope, confidence and strength for a better future for both nations.
  • Happy Canada Day!


A video message from Ambassador Patricia Peña on July 1 invited audiences (especially Canadians living in Chile), to join in the virtual celebrations. Several Chilean Ministers and Vice-Ministers, Canadian companies and NGO representatives responded with their own Canada Day greetings.


Transcript of the video Canada Day: Message from Ambassador Patricia Peña

Length of video: 00:01:00

Ambassador Patricia Peña

  • Hello.  I am Patricia Peña, Canada’s Ambassador to Chile.
  • On, July 1st, we celebrate Canada Day. 
  • While the celebrations this year will be different due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still important for us to mark the day.
  • It is an opportunity to share and celebrate what makes Canada unique. 
  • We invite you to join our virtual celebrations on social media: Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram.  Follow us and tune in!
  • Wherever and however you are celebrating today, I wish you a very Happy Canada Day, on behalf of our Embassy team in Chile, from Canada with love.
  • Happy Canada Day!


The Embassy also worked to increase “buzz” ahead of Canada Day on social media: through an Instagram contest with prizes of Canadian goods, and Facebook polls on fun Canadian facts, both of which significantly increased engagement with our followers, particularly youth.

The Embassy’s Canada Day social media posts triggered responses from Canadian companies in Chile and Chilean officials: tweets from Teck Resources and from Chilean Minister of Mining Baldo Prokurica.
Going beyond the reach of social media channels, one of Chile’s main national newspapers, La Tercera published an op-ed by the Ambassador titled “Together we are Stronger”. It highlighted that “only by working together can we overcome this crisis” in reference to the current pandemic.

To highlight the Canadian values of inclusion and diversity, a community activity was designed with two temporary residences for women-led immigrant and refugee families in Santiago (supported by UNHCR and run by the Archdiocese of Santiago). The Embassy worked with Canadian corporate partners to facilitate donations of essential supplies, Canada Day face masks (commissioned from a mother-daughter owned micro enterprise), and maple syrup.

Samples of face masks donated on the occasion of Canada Day.
A woman wearing a Canadian donated face mask.

Social media activities reached more than 128,000 people and generated engagement from more than 3,900. Followers increased as well: +15% for Instagram and +260% on LinkedIn.

Canada Day celebrations included an all-staff virtual gathering.

The Embassy’s Canada Day celebrations ended with an all-staff virtual gathering to bring the team together and recognize all of the creative contributions and hard work over the past months.

The dynamic virtual program for Canada Day in Chile highlighted the importance of creativity in these challenging times and the impressive results that digital diplomacy can yield.

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