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Helping young mothers return to school

A dozen people are gathered around a water hand-pump

Country: South Sudan © Girls’ Education in South Sudan

Monica is a 20-year-old mother who dreams of doing more than raising children.

“You know, I have a lot of dreams. I used to dream of being a journalist. It seemed so exciting, but then I learned of the dangers of doing this job. Now I want to be a doctor.”

Monica became pregnant when she was in primary school. She was out of school for 2 years and thought that her dream of becoming a doctor was over. But with assistance from the Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) initiative and encouragement from friends, she is back at school.

At first, Monica’s family did not support her returning to school. She was forced to use the money she earned from selling tea to enrol herself. Her husband was not initially supportive either, but he came to realize the long-term benefits to the family.

GESS provides cash transfers to girls enrolled and attending class. With the help of a GESS cash transfer, Monica says she no longer has to sell tea in the evenings. “This cash transfer has given us girls and women of South Sudan a helping hand. Rather than going outside the house to look for money, we can meet some of our needs.”

Monica received her third GESS cash transfer in July 2019 and used the money to buy a calculator, books and a new school uniform.

Project profile — Girls' Education in South Sudan

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