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Helping women break free of violence in Jordan

Akaber, 42, is a survivor of domestic violence who received legal and psychological services through the Jordanian Women’s Union.
Credits: © UN Women / Tamara Abdin

In 2021, UN Women and the Jordanian Women’s Union assisted survivors of gender based violence across Jordan thanks to support from Canada, Finland, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom. It was part of the Jordanian National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

Akaber is one of the many beneficiaries of the program. The Palestinian refugee and mother of 2 boys is also a survivor of domestic violence. She received legal, financial and psychosocial support from the Jordanian Women’s Union. As a result, she was able to find a job, get full custody of her children, rent a house and start a new life.

“The first years of my marriage were peaceful. Then my husband started to drink and cheated on me. Despite that, I was still thinking that life with him was better than returning to my family. As he became more abusive toward me and our 2 sons, I started to fear for my life. I ran back to my parents’ house, where I found no peace. My mother wanted to kick me out, my children turned to the streets and my ex husband would storm in, threatening us,” she explains.

Then, she was referred to the Jordanian Women’s Union hotline. She thought things would never be better, but by reaching out she found the support she needed.

“I spent every day looking for work until I found a job as a custodian at a school. Being able to provide for myself and my children gave me—for the first time—a sense of freedom and independence,” says Akaber.

The Jordanian Women’s Union assigned Akaber a lawyer and helped her with psychological and financial support. This support helped her realize that change does not happen overnight, but that it is possible.

Akaber’s message to all those who cannot see hope is that there is a solution. And any woman who faces violence like she did should ask for help. She says that the Jordanian Women’s Union became her support system—and now she feels strong enough to overcome her fears.

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