Cross-Country Extractive Sector Consultations

As part of Canada’s pro-trade plan the Government of Canada is committed to helping Canadian companies in the extractive sector succeed around the world.

On September 18, 2013, International Trade Minister, Ed Fast met with representatives from many of Canada’s world-leading extractive sector companies, to officially launch a series of consultations that will help guide the Government of Canada as it looks at ways to continue to support the extractive sector and better help it succeed in priority markets around the world.

Canadian mining companies are world leaders in responsible mining practices and are creating jobs and prosperity in every corner of the globe.

Cross-Country Consultations

Vancouver consultation date: September 18, 2013

Photo representing Vancouver

News Release (September 18, 2013) - Harper Government Launches Cross-Country Extractive-Sector Consultations

Calgary consultation date: September 19, 2013

Photo representing Calgary

News Release (September 19, 2013) - Harper Government’s Extractive-Sector Consultations Continue in Calgary

Montreal consultation date: September 19, 2013

Photo representing Montréal

News Release (September 19, 2013) - Minister Paradis Holds Extractive-Sector Consultations in Montréal

Toronto consultation date: September 30, 2013

Photo representing Toronto

News Release (September 30, 2013) - Minister Fast Holds Extractive-Sector Consultations in Toronto

Saskatoon consultation date: October 7, 2013

Photo representing Toronto

News Release (October 7, 2013) - Minister of State Yelich Holds Extractive-Sector Consultations in Saskatoon

In March 2009 the Government of Canada launched Building the Canadian Advantage: Canada’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for the Canadian International Extractive Sector, to address the unique challenges that the extractive sector faces when operating abroad.

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