Tariff Rate Quota for Beef and Veal - Deadline for 2016 Applications

The deadline to apply for an allocation for 2016 under the Beef and Veal tariff rate quota (TRQ) is December 1, 2015.

The Application Form for 2016 is now available in appendix to Notice to Importers No. 867 – Beef and Veal.

Please, note that advances on 2016 allocations will be issued only if completed and compliant applications have been received by December 1, 2015.

You may send your application by email at Beef.Veal-Boeuf.Veau@international.gc.ca

Applications by mail or courier should be sent to the address below:

Trade Controls Policy Division (TIC)
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2

Should you desire a hard copy of the Notice or the Application Form, our website includes links that can be easily printed.  If you would like to receive a paper copy by mail, send us your request with your contact information including your complete mailing address and contact name.

If you need more information, you may contact Mylène Robichaud at Beef.Veal-Boeuf.Veau@international.gc.ca or at 343-203-4356.