Notice to Importers - Tariff Rate Quotas

On September 30, 2016, Global Affairs Canada issued new Notices to Importers (Notices) for several Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQS) that are administered on the TRQ year basis of January 1 to December 31. These updated Notices reflect the policies and procedures associated with the administration of the following TRQs:

  • Beef and Veal (Items 114 to 116 on the Import Control List)
  • Broiler Hatching Eggs and Chicks for Chicken Production (Items 94 and 95 on the Import Control List)
  • Cheeses of all Types (Items 141 to 157 on the Import Control List)
  • Chicken and Chicken Products (Items 96 to 104 on the Import Control List)
  • Eggs and Egg Products (Items 135 to 139 on the Import Control List)
  • Ice Cream and Ice Cream Novelties (Item 134 on the Import Control List)
  • Products of Natural Milk Constituents (Item 125 on the Import Control List)
  • Turkey and Turkey Products (Items 105 to 113 on the Import Control List)
  • Yogurt (Item 158 on the Import Control List)

These Notices have been updated to reflect the department’s recent name change from Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada to Global Affairs Canada, to establish a new application deadline date of November 15th, and to address grammatical and formatting issues within the various Notices.

In the case of the updated Notice to Importers for Cheeses of all Types (Items 141 to 157 on the Import Control List), the changes include those mentioned as well as the addition of Croatia to the list of Member States of the European Communities (EC).  Please note that updates to this Notice only apply to the WTO cheese TRQ and are not associated with Canada’s commitments under the Canada-European Union: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

There are no policy changes regarding the administration of the above noted TRQs.

View the list of Notices to Importers.

The deadline to submit applications for the 2017 TRQ year for the TRQs listed above is November 15, 2016.  Applications forms are available as an appendix to the Notice to Importers for each respective TRQ, excluding Cheeses of all Types (Items 141 to 157 on the Import Control List).

Applications can be submitted by e-mail, at the address mentioned in the specific notice.

Applications by mail or courier should be sent to the address below:

Trade Controls Policy Division (TIC)
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2