Handbook of Export and Import Commodity Codes

A-3: Abbreviations and Symbols

  • Units of Measure for Permit Applications
    • BFM - Board Feet Measure
    • DZN - Dozen
    • KGM - Kilogram
    • MTK - Square Meter
    • NMB - Number
    • PAR - Pair
    • PCE - Piece
    • SME - Square metre equivalent
  • Unit of Measure for Description of Goods
    • CM - Centimetre
    • CM - Square centimetre
    • DIAM - Diameter
    • DTX - Decitex
    • G - Gram
    • HIGHT - Height
    • KG - Kilogram
    • MM - Millimetre
    • M - Square meter
    • TC - Thread count
    • T/M - Turns per meter
    • THK - Thick
    • WD - Wide
    • X-SEC - Cross Section
  • Control Type
    • QU - Quota Sources
    • RS - Restrained Sources
    • SS - Surveillance Sources
    • SSWD - Surveillance Sources with Document
    • TPL - Tariff Preference Level
    • TRQ - Tariff Rate Quota
    • SHOR - Shortage
    • COMP - Compete
    • EXP - For Export
  • Symbols for Description of Goods
    • & - and
    • > - greater than
    • < - less than
    • / - or
    • + - plus (addition)
    • # - less than or equal to
    • $ - greater than or equal to
  • Description of Goods
    • AMER - American
    • AMER BRS - American Bars
    • B - Boys'
    • B/F - Brushed/Fleece
    • BRS - Bars
    • C - Children's sizes 2 to 6X
    • CRBN (steel) - Carbon
    • C/I - Children and Infant
    • C-F - Children (female)
    • C-M - Children (male)
    • CONT - Contain
    • COMBO - Combination
    • CR - Cold Rolled
    • EQ - Equal to
    • EXCL - Excluding
    • FINISHD - Finished
    • FN, FNSH - Finished
    • FNSHD - Finished
    • FP - Finished Product
    • GE - Greater than or Equal to
    • G - Girls'
    • HR - Hot Rolled
    • I - Infants', sizes 0 to 24 months
    • K/C - Knitted or Crocheted
    • LE - Less than or equal to
    • M - Men's
    • MB, M/B - Mens/Boys
    • MBCI - Mens/Boys/Childrens/Infants
    • MFG - Manufacturing
    • MM/SW - Mixed mainly or solely with
    • MODS - Modification
    • N/A - Not Applicable To
    • NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
    • NAS - Non Alloy Steel
    • NES - Not Elsewhere Specified
    • NFW - Not Further Worked
    • NIC - Not in Coils
    • NR - Not for Retail
    • O/T - Other Than
    • OT, OTH - Other
    • OTM - Other textile material
    • O/W - Otherwise With
    • PLTD - Plated
    • PM - Partially Manufactured
    • PR, PRTD, - Printed
    • PRINTD - Printed
    • TC - Tailored Collar Shirt
    • W - Women's
    • W/ - With
    • W/G - Women and Girls
    • WGCI - Women, Girls, Children and Infants
    • W/O - Without