Handbook of Export and Import Commodity Codes

D-1: Small Arms

Small arms, rifles, carbines, revolvers, pistols, machine pistols and machine guns
9301. action centre-fire rifles
9301. centre-fire rifles
9301. fire and automatic fire rifles
9301. weapons specially designed for military use
9301. gun, light
9301. gun, heavy
9301. gun
9301. Launchers for attachment to rifles
9302., single action
9302., double action
9302., single-shot
9302., semi-automatic
9302., automatic
9303. firearms
9303. for signalling, line-throwing, humane killing and blank-firing
9303. shotguns
9303. Action shotguns
9303. Action shotguns
9303. Auotmatic shotguns
9303. shot shotguns
9303. and Under shotguns
9303. shotgun-rifle
9303. shotguns
9303. shotguns
9303. bolt-action .22 calibre rimfire rifle
9303. repeater .22 calibre rimfire rifle
9303. .22 calibre rimfire rifle
9303. action centre-fire rifle
9303. or slide action centre-fire rifle
9303. shot centre-fire rifle
9303. action repeater rim-fire rifle (other than .22 calibre)
9303. action rim-fire rifle (other than .22 calibre)
9303. or slide action  rim-fire rifle (other than .22 calibre)
9303. rim-fire rifle (other than .22 calibre)
9303. shot rim-fire rifle (other than .22 calibre)
9304. or Gas guns and pistols
9304. guns
9305. and accessories specifically designed for handguns
9305. and accessories specifically designed for long arms
9305. and accessories specifically designed for machine guns and sub-machine guns