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International Development Week 2023 #GoForTheGoals social media contest official rules

Presented by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (herein also referred to as Global Affairs Canada), the #GoForTheGoals Social Media Contest (hereinafter, the “Contest”) is for people residing in Canada and Canadian citizens abroad. 

The Contest invites participants to post on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, answering the question, “What action will you take to support the Sustainable Development Goals?” Details on how to enter are listed under section 3) Entry requirements of these Contest Rules.

Global Affairs Canada will communicate about the contest between January 23, 2023, and February 17, 2023, on its social media channels.

There will be 2 winners, 1 from English entries and 1 from French entries, which Global Affairs Canada will determine by draw.

Participants must ensure they have read through the Official Contest Rules before posting their entry. Posting an entry will signify acceptance of the Official Contest Rules.

1) Who can participate?

People living in Canada and Canadian citizens abroad may participate.

Individuals participating must be at least 13 years old, the minimum age required to have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account. The Contest is not open to employees, immediate family members of employees or persons living at the same address as an employee of Global Affairs Canada. Further, government organizations, Members of Parliament, celebrities or other partners with social media accounts promoting the contest for Global Affairs Canada and its Ministers, may participate and promote the contest, but are not eligible to win the contest.

2) When will the Contest be open?

The Contest will start accepting entries on January 23, 2023 at 9:00 am (ET). The contest will close on February 17, 2023, at 12:00 pm (ET).

3) Entry requirements

3a) Twitter

To enter on Twitter, participants must:

  1. publish a post (hereafter referred to as the entry) answering the question, “What action will you take to support the Sustainable Development Goals?”
  2. tag @CanadaDev or @DevCanada
  3. include the hashtag #GoForTheGoals or #VisezLesObjectifs in the entry.

3b) Instagram

To enter on Instagram, participants must:

  1. comment on a post related to this contest published on Global Affairs Canada’s International Development Instagram accounts, @canadadev and @developpementcanada, answering the question, “What action will you take to support the Sustainable Development Goals?” and tag a friend
  2. share the post they commented on in their Instagram Story and tag @canadadev or @developpementcanada to have their name entered twice in the draw

3c) Facebook

To enter on Facebook, participants must:

  1. comment on a post related to this contest published on Global Affairs Canada’s International Development Facebook accounts, @canadadevelopment and @devcanada, answering the question, “What action will you take to support the Sustainable Development Goals?” and tag a friend
  2. share the post they commented on and tag @canadadevelopment or @devcanada to have their name entered twice in the draw

3d) All entries

Entries must be posted publicly so that Global Affairs Canada can access the content.

Entries must be in English or French.

The entry must not contain the personal information, as that term is defined in section 3 of the federal Privacy Act, of anyone other than the identified participant, except with permission. An entry will be declared invalid if it is found to include—in the video, photo or accompanying text—the personal information of anyone other than the participant without their permission.

Entries will be declared invalid if they are submitted after the Contest closes, or if they are illegible, incomplete, forged, corrupted or reproduced from another person’s work.

Each participant will only be entered in the draw once. If a participant posts multiple entries, they will still only be entered in the draw once. The only exception to this rule is that if participants share the Facebook or Instagram post they commented on, their name will be entered in the draw twice, as described in section 3 of these Contest Rules.

Entries posted from multiple accounts found to belong to the same person will only be counted as 1 entry.

Participants submitting entries that include third-party trademarks, brands, logos or information must have permission to do so. Entries will be declared invalid if they do not respond to the question, “What action will you take to support the Sustainable Development Goals?”

Entries will be declared invalid if they negatively depict another person, nation, country, ethnicity, race, religion, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

Entries will be declared invalid if they contain content deemed offensive or inappropriate, including but not limited to nudity, vulgarity or violence, or if they infringe Instagram’s, Facebook’s or Twitter’s terms of use.

There is no fee to enter this Contest, and no purchase is necessary.

4) Evaluation criteria

There will be 2 winners, 1 from English entries and 1 from French entries. The winners will be drawn randomly.

Should any of the entries posted by the winners not meet the requirements outlined above, it will be declared null and void, and another selection will be made among the entries until a winner is determined.

The winners’ names will be announced on or around February 24, 2023. Global Affairs Canada reserves the right not to select a winner if no entries are deemed suitable.

5) Prize

The prize for each winner of the Contest consists of:

  • a tree planted in Canada in the winner’s name; and
  • participation in a private, recorded virtual discussion with the Minister of International Development and the other contest winners.

Each winner will be required to complete and sign a “winner license, consent and release” in order to receive their prize. For winners under the age of majority in their province or territory, a parent or legal guardian must sign the document. This document will be provided to the winners directly.

A representative of Global Affairs Canada will contact the winners no later than February 24, 2023, to identify a time and date to send and receive the prize.

6) Prize disclaimer

The prize is offered by Global Affairs Canada. The prize must be accepted as awarded — no substitutions, transfers or exchanges will be permitted. The prize has no cash redemption value. Global Affairs Canada will not pay any expenses incurred by a winner to claim the prize. The prize must be accepted as described in these Official Contest Rules and cannot be transferred to a third party. The prize will be awarded only on verification by Global Affairs Canada that the participants who are selected as the potential winners are eligible to participate in the Contest and that their entries meet the requirements specified above. If, for any reason, any of the selected participants cannot be reached through Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, or does not respond within forty-eight (48) hours of being contacted, or if there is any reason they cannot accept the prize as awarded, their entry will be declared null and void, and another selection will be made among the entries.

7) Correspondence

Global Affairs Canada will not respond to questions regarding the Contest Rules, including the eligibility criteria, from any participants except the confirmed winners. If inquiries are made regarding this Contest, an employee of Global Affairs Canada will refer the individual to these Contest Rules.

8) Additional personal information required

Once a winner has been randomly selected, to validate the individual’s identity, Global Affairs Canada will request a copy of the social media post and will require the following information: proof of Canadian citizenship, permanent residency, or residence in Canada; proof of age over 13; and a declaration that they are not an employee of Global Affairs Canada, not an immediate family member of an employee of Global Affairs Canada, and not living under the same roof as an employee of Global Affairs Canada. A photograph of the winner will be required, along with a statement regarding this Contest, for promotional and outreach purposes. Refusal to provide personal information to Global Affairs Canada for the purposes of this verification will result in disqualification and another winner will be selected.

The winners will be required to consent to the broadcasting of their entries and their participation in the discussion with the Minister of International Development on all of Global Affairs Canada’s International Development social media platforms. The winner will also be required to consent to the publication of their photo, name, city and country of residence, and statement about the Contest on all of Global Affairs Canada’s International Development social media platforms. Failure to consent will result in disqualification and another winner will be selected.

9) Privacy notice statement

Global Affairs Canada is committed to protecting the privacy rights of individuals and safeguarding their personal information under its control according to the Privacy Act. “Personal information” is defined as any information, in any form, about an identifiable individual. Refer to section 3 of the Privacy Act for further details regarding personal information. Personal information is collected under section 10 of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act for the purposes of administering and promoting the Contest. The personal information that is provided is protected under the federal Privacy Act and any collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of personal information by Global Affairs Canada will be done in accordance with that Act. Personal information that is used for an administrative purpose will be stored in the Outreach Activities (PSU 938) Personal Information Bank.

Under the Privacy Act, individuals have the right to access their personal information and request corrections where they believe there is an error or omission.

Any questions, comments, concerns or complaints regarding this privacy notice statement, privacy rights or the Privacy Act may be directed to the Global Affairs Canada Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator by email at

If participants are not satisfied with Global Affairs Canada’s response, they may also wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Access our Online privacy complaint form (federal institution) - Online Complaint Form. They also have the right to file a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner about the handling of their personal information.

By participating in this Contest, participants acknowledge they have read and understood this privacy notice statement and consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of the information provided therein, subject to the Privacy Act, and as described in this privacy notice statement.

10) Statement and license

By sharing an entry on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter for the Contest, the participant understands and agrees that the entry will also be subject to Facebook’s, Instagram’s, and Twitter’s terms of use and license.

By sharing an entry on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter for the Contest, the participant acknowledges that the Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

By sharing an entry for the Contest, the participant states that:

  • the entry is their own original work;
  • they own all the rights in the entry, including copyright; and
  • they meet the eligibility requirements of the Contest.

Global Affairs Canada reserves the right, at its option, to publish any winner’s name, country and city of residence, photograph, and statement regarding this Contest, for promotional and outreach purposes, without compensation or any other advance notice.

By entering this Contest, the winners grant His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of International Development, a free-of-charge, worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable permission to use, reproduce, adapt, perform, translate, modify, publish and make their entries public in any media (including the Internet and social media), and in any informational material and publication, for purposes of operating, promoting and outreach activities related to this Contest.

Upon participation in the virtual discussion with the Minister of International Development, the winners grant His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of International Development, a free-of-charge, worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable permission to use, reproduce, adapt, perform, translate, modify, publish and make the recording of the discussion public in any media (including the Internet and social media), and in any informational material and publication, for purposes of operating, promoting and outreach activities related to this Contest.

11) Release and exclusion of liability

By entering or attempting to enter the Contest, each participant and/or purported participant agrees to release, discharge and forever hold harmless Global Affairs Canada and its officers, directors, employees and agents from any and all claims, actions, damages, injuries, demands, manner of actions, causes of action, suits, debts, duties, accounts, bonds, covenants, warranties, indemnities, claims over, contracts and liabilities of whatever nature or kind arising out of or in connection with the participant’s participation or attempted participation in this Contest.

Global Affairs Canada will not be responsible for lost, incomplete, late or misdirected entries or for any failure of its website, nor for Facebook’s, Instagram’s, or Twitter’s platform performance. Global Affairs Canada will not be responsible for any technical malfunction or other problems with any telephone networks or lines, computer online systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment or software, or for any technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet.

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