Regulation - Order amending the Export Control List (December 2015)

Additions of controls

1-1.C.2.c.2.h – Plasma atomization
1-1.A.8. – List of Explosives – BTNEN
1-3.A.2.h. – Specific electronic assemblies, modules or equipment performing more than analogue-to-digital conversion
1-6.A.5.e.3. – Specific fibre laser components
1-6.C.5.b. – Specific rare-earth-metal doped double clad fibres
1-6.C.5.b. – Technical Note 1 – Clarifying note to numerical aperture
1-6.C.5.b. – Technical Note 2 – Clarifying note to fibre assembled with end caps
1-6.D.3.d. – Specific software for alignment and phasing of specific segmented mirror systems
1-7.E.4.b.7. – Specific technology for deriving specific functional requirements for fly-by-wire systems
1-7.E.4.b.8. – Specific technology for deriving specific functional requirements for fly-by-wire systems
1-9.A.4.c. – Specific spacecraft buses
1-9.A.4.d. – Specific spacecraft payloads
1-9.A.4.e. – Specific spacecraft on-board systems
1-9.A.4.f. – Specific terrestrial equipment for spacecraft
1-9.B.1.c. – Directional-solidification or single-crystal additive-manufacturing equipment specially designed for manufacturing gas turbine engine blades, vanes or tip shrouds
1-9.D.5. – Specific software for the operation of specific spacecraft on-board systems and specific terrestrial equipment for spacecraft
1-9.E.3.j. – Specific technology for specific wing-folding systems
2-8.a.40. – BTNEN as an energetic material
6-2.A.1.c.2. – Specific gel propellant rocket motors
6-3.A.10. – Combustion chambers and nozzles for liquid propellant rocket engines
6-3.B.1. – Production facilities for 6-3.A.10.
6-3.B.2. – Production equipment for 6-3.A.10.
6-3.E.1. – Technology for 6-3.A.10.
6-4.C.2.g. – Hydrazine replacement fuels
6-4.C.5.g. – Polyglycidyl nitrate
6-10.A.1. – Specific pneumatic and fly-by-light flight control systems
6-20.A.1.b.2. - Specific gel propellant rocket motors
7-4.1.y. - Diethylamine

Changes to existing controls

Group 1 – General Technology Note
Group 1 – General "Information Security" Note
1-1.A.2 – Note 1 – Composite identified as a global definition
1-1.A.4.a.1. – Clarification of biological agents
1-1.A.4.b.1. - Clarification of biological agents
1-1.A.4.c.1. - Clarification of biological agents
1-1.A.4. – Technical Note 1 - Clarification of biological agent
1-1.A.4. – Technical Note 3 – Local definition of biological agent
1-1.C.1.b. – Note – Identify laser as a global definition
1-1.C.2. – Note – Clarify materials for coating
1-1.C.7. – Ceramic powders
1-1.C.7.a. – Ceramic powders
1-1.C.8.a. – Technical Note 1 – Clarification of control text reference
1-1.C.10. - Technical Notes – Moved the technical notes 1 and 2 for specific tensile strength, specific modulus and specific weight from after 1-1.C.10.c. to under the 1-1.C.10. chapeau
1-1.C.10.d.1.b. – Clarification of control text reference
1-1.E.2.c. – Ceramic powders
1-1.E.2.c.1. – Ceramic powders
1-1.E.2.c.2. – Ceramic powders
1-1.E.2.g. – Library established as a global definition
1-1.E.2.g. - Technical Note – Deleted technical note as it is included in the global definition for library
1-2.B. - Technical Note 3 – Clarification of ISO standard
1-2.B. - Technical Note 5 – Clarification of stated unidirectional positioning repeatability
1-2.B. - Technical Note 6 - Clarification of stated unidirectional positioning repeatability
1-2.B. - Technical Note 7 – Clarification of unidirectional positioning repeatability for certain machines
1-2.B.1.a. – Clarification to turning machines
1-2.B.1.b.1. – Clarification to milling machines
1-2.B.1.b.2.a. – Clarification of unidirectional positioning repeatability parameter
1-2.B.1.b.2.b. – Clarification of unidirectional positioning repeatability parameter
1-2.B.1.b.2.c. – Clarification of unidirectional positioning repeatability parameter
1-2.B.1.b.3. – Clarification of unidirectional positioning repeatability parameter
1-2.B.1.c.1.a. - Clarification of unidirectional positioning repeatability parameter
1-2.B.1.c.2. - Clarification of unidirectional positioning repeatability parameter
1-2.B.1.c. - Note b – Clarifying note for unidirectional positioning repeatability
1-2.B.1.e.2.b. – Accuracy as a global definition
1-2.B.6.b.1. – Note – Clarification of certain measuring systems
1-2.B.6.c. – Measuring systems
1-3.A.1.a.5.a.2. – Clarification to output rate parameter
1-3.A.1.a.5.a.3. – Clarification to resolution parameter
1-3.A.1.a.5.a.4. – Clarification to resolution and output rate parameters
1-3.A.1.a.5.a.5. – Clarification to resolution and output rate parameters
1-3.A.1.a.5.b.1. – Clarification to adjusted update rate parameter
1-3.A.1.a.5.b.2. – Clarification to adjusted update rate parameter
1-3.A.1.a.7. – Removed local definition of field programmable logic devices
1-3.A.1.a.7.a. – Clarification to inputs/outputs parameter
1-3.A.1.a.7.b. – Clarification to data rate parameter
1-3.A.1.a.7. - Technical Note 1 – Deleted the technical note as it is included in the 1-3.A.1.a.7. Note illustrative list
1-3.A.1.b. – Clarify chapeau
1-3.A.1.b.7. – Converters and harmonic mixer parameters
1-3.A.1.b.10. – Oscillator and oscillator assembly parameters
1-3.A.1.b.11.f. – Frequency synthesizer parameter
1-3.A.1.b.11.g. – Frequency synthesizer parameter
1-3.A.1.e.1.b. – Energy density parameter
1-3.A.1.f. – Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-3.A.2. – Clarify chapeau
1-3.A.2.a.5. – Waveform digitisers moved to 1-3.A.2.h.
1-3.A.2.a.6. – Clarification of digital data recorders
1-3.A.2.c. – Clarification to signal analysers
1-3.A.2.c.1. – Signal analyser parameter
1-3.A.2.c.2. – Signal analyser parameter
1-3.A.2.c.3. – Signal analyser parameter
1-3.A.2.c.4. – Signal analyser parameter
1-3.A.2.d. – Clarification to signal generator
1-3.A.2.d.1. – Signal generator parameter
1-3.A.2.d.2. – Signal generator parameter
1-3.A.2.d.3. – Signal generator parameters
1-3.A.2.d.4. – Single sideband parameter
1-3.A.2.d.4.a. – Single sideband parameter
1-3.A.2.d.4.b. – Single sideband parameter
1-3.A.2.d.5. – Maximum frequency parameter
1-3.A.2.d. - Note 1 – Clarifying note signal generators
1-3.A.2.d. - Note 2 - Technical Note 1 – Clarifying note to signal generators
1-3.A.2.e.1. – Network analyser parameter
1-3.A.2.e.2. – Network analyser parameter
1-3.B.1.e.1. – Clarify control text references
1-3.B.1.e. – Technical Note 1 – Clarification of processes
1-3.B.1.f.1.a. – Lithography equipment parameter
1-3.B.1.f.1.b. – Lithography equipment parameter
1-3.B.1.f.2. – Lithography equipment parameter
1-3.B.1.f.3. – Split into two entries 1-3.B.1.f.3. for mask making equipment and 1-3.B.1.f.4. for direct writing equipment
1-3.D.1. – Clarify control text reference
1-3.E.2.a. – Technical Note – Clarify vector processor unit
1-3.E.2.c. – Fixed-point multiply-accumulate parameter
1-4 – Note 3 – Removed as it is addressed under the General "Information Security" Note
1-4.A.1. – N.B. - Removed as it is addressed under the General "Information Security" Note
1-4.A.3. – Note 1 – Clarification of examples
1-4.A.3.b. - Adjusted peak performance parameter
1-4.A.3.b. – Note 1 – Clarification of electronic assemblies
1-4.A.3.e. – Removed as it is addressed under 1-3.A.2.h.
1-4.A.3.e. – N.B. – Clarify control text reference to 1-3.A.2.h.
1-4.D.1.b. – Adjusted peak performance parameter
1-4.D.3. – N.B. – Removed reference
1-4.E.1.b.1. – Adjusted peak performance parameter
1-4 - Outline of Adjusted peak performance calculation method - Note 6 - Technical Notes – Clarification note for calculation
1-5. Part 1 – N.B. 2 – Removed as it is addressed under the General "Information Security" Note
1-5.A.1.d. – Clarify operating frequency and power rating parameters
1-5.B.1.b.4. – Clarification of QAM parameter
1-5.D.1.d.4. - Clarification of QAM parameter
1-5.E.1.c.1. – Total digital transfer rate parameter
1-5.E.1.c.4.a. - Clarification of QAM parameter
1-5. – Part 2 – Note 1 – Removed as it is addressed by the General "Information Security" Note
1-5. – Part 2 – Note 3 – Clarify control text references
1-5. – Part 2 – Note 3 – Technical Note - Clarify control text references
1-5. – Part 2 – Note 3 – Note - Clarify price consultation
1-5.A.2., 1-5.B.2., 1-5.D.2. and 1-5.E.2. – Sections re-organized into major sub-headings of Cryptographic Information Security, Non-Cryptographic Information Security, Defeating, Weakening or Bypassing Information Security, local definitions established, and modifications to applicable references
1-6.A.1.a.1.a.2.a.2. – Technical Note – Clarifying note for 3D sonars
1-6.A.1.a.1.a.3. – Clarification to specific acoustic arrays
1-6.A.1.a.1.c. – Note 1 – Clarifying note to scope of control
1-6.A.1.a.1.c.1. and 2. – Combined into 1-6.A.1.a.1.c.1.a. and b. and clarifications to the parameters
1-6.A.1.a.1.c.1. – Technical Note – Clarifying note for free field source level
1-6.A.1.a.1.c. – N.B. – Clarifying Nota Bena reference
1-6.A.1.a.1.d.2. – Clarify position error
1-6.A.1.a.1.e.2. – Clarify position error
1-6.A.1.b.1.b. – Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.A.1.b.2. – Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.A.2.a.2.a.3.c. – Radiant sensitivity established as a global definition
1-6.A.2.a.2.b.3. – Radiant sensitivity established as a global definition
1-6.A.2.a.3. – Note 2 d. – Clarify thermopile arrays
1-6.A.3. – N.B. – Removed references
1-6.A.3.a.3. – Streak camera parameter
1-6.A.3.a.3.a. – Streak camera parameter
1-6.A.3.a.3.b. – Streak camera parameter
1-6.A.3.b.4.b. – Note 3.c. – Clarification to scope of control
1-6.A.3.b.4.b. – Note 3.c.1. – Clarification to placement of camera
1-6.A.3.b.4.b. – Note 3.c.2. – Clarification to gross vehicle weight
1-6.A.3.b.4.c. – Note 4.b. – Clarification to scope of control
1-6.A.3.b.4.c. – Note 4.b.1. – Clarification to placement of camera
1-6.A.3.b.4.c. – Note 4.b.2.a. – Clarification to gross vehicle weight
1-6.A.3.b.4.c. – Note 4.b.2.b. – Clarification to ferry length
1-6.A.4.a. – Technical Note – Clarification to laser induced damage threshold
1-6.A.4.a.1. – Deformable mirrors parameter
1-6.A.4.a.1.a. – Deformable mirrors parameter
1-6.A.4.a.1.b. – Deformable mirrors parameter
1-6.A.4.a.2. and 3. – Note – Clarify mirrors for heliostat installations
1-6.A.4.a.4. – Beam steering mirrors parameter
1-6.A.4.a.4.a. – Beam steering mirrors parameter
1-6.A.4.a.4.b. – Beam steering mirrors parameter
1-6.A.4.d.2. – Divided into 1-6.A.4.d.2.a. and 1-6.A.4.d.2.b. to separate beam steering mirror stages and resonator alignment equipment
1-6.A.5.b.6.a.2. – Average output power parameter
1-6.A.5.b.6.b.2. – Average output power parameter
1-6.A.5.c. – Note – Illustrative note removed
1-6.A.5.d.1.d.1.d. – Note – Clarification to epitaxially-fabricated monolithic devices
1-6.A.5.d.1.d.2.d. – Note – Clarification to epitaxially-fabricated monolithic devices
1-6.A.5.e.2. – Clarification to optical components
1-6.A.5.f.3. – Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.A.5.g.1. – Identify laser as a global definition
1-6.A.5.g.2. – Identify laser as a global definition
1-6.A.5.g.3. – Identify laser as a global definition
1-6.A.5.g. – Technical Note – Identify laser as a global definition
1-6.A.7.a. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.A.7.b.1. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.A.7.b.2. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.A.8.a.2. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.A.8.j.3. - Identify laser as a global definition
1-6.A.8. – Technical Note 2 – Identify aircraft as a global definition
1-6.B.4.a. - Identify accuracy as a global definition and clarify accuracy
1-6.B.7. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-6.E.3.d.2. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-7.A.3. – Note 2 – Clarification to civil aviation authority
1-7.A.3. – Technical Note 2 – Changed CEP from a local to global definition
1-7.A.3.a. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-7.A.3.a.1. - Identify CEP as a global definition
1-7.A.3.a.2. - Identify CEP as a global definition
1-7.A.3.a.3. - Identify CEP as a global definition
1-7.A.3.b. - Identify accuracy and CEP as a global definitions
1-7.A.3.c.1. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-7.A.3.c.2. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-7.A.4.a. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-7.A.8. - Identify accuracy and CEP as a global definitions
1-7.B.1. – Technical Note 1 – Identify aircraft as a global definition
1-7.B.2.a. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-7.B.2.b. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-7.D.4.c. – Clarification to specific software for fly-by-wire systems and fly-by-light systems
1-7.E.4.a.7. – Identify accuracy as global definition
1-7.E.4.b. - Clarification to specific technology for fly-by-wire systems and fly-by-light systems
1-7.E.4.b.1. - Clarification to specific technology for fly-by-light systems
1-7.E.4.b.1. – Identify aircraft as global definition
1-7.E.4.c.2. – Clarification to direction control systems
1-8.A.1. – N.B. – Removed Category 5 Part 2 reference as it is addressed by the General "Information Security" Note
1-8.A.1.e.2. - Identify accuracy as a global definition
1-8.E.2.c. – Clarification of specific technology for specific surface effect, hydrofoil and small waterplane area vessels.
1-9.A.1. – Note 1.a. - Clarification to civil aviation authority
1-9.A.1. – Note 1.b. - Clarification to civil aviation authority and identify aircraft as a global definition
1-9.A.3. – Clarification to aero gas turbine engines
1-9.A.3.b. – Clarification to Wassenaar Participating State
1-9.A.4. – N.B. – Nota Bena removed
1-9.A.10.a. – Clarification of specific space launch vehicle components from specific materials
1-9.A.10.b. – Clarification of specific space launch vehicle propulsion system components from specific materials
1-9.A.12. – Clarification to specific unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned airships
1-9.B.1. – Clarification to specific equipment for manufacturing gas turbine engine blades, vanes or tip shrouds
1-9.B.1.b. – Clarification to specific cores or shells from specific materials for manufacturing gas turbine engine blades, vanes or tip shrouds
1-9.B.10. – Clarification to specific equipment for the production specific unmanned systems
1-9.D.3. – Clarification to software used in specific aero gas turbine engines FADEC
1-9.D.4.c. – Clarification to software to control directional solidification or single crystal material growth equipment
1-9.D.4.e. – Clarification to software for the operation of specific unmanned systems
1-9.E.3.a.3. – Clarification to specific technology for the development or production of specific gas turbine components from specific materials
1-9.E.3.a.4. – Clarification to specific technology for the development or production of specific gas turbine components that operate in specific gas path temperatures
1-9.E.3.h. - Clarification to Wassenaar Participating State
2-1.d. – Clarification to weapon sights
2-1. – Note 5 – Clarifying note for deactivated firearms
2-4.c. – Note d.1.a. - Clarification to Wassenaar Participating State
2-8. – Technical Note 1 – Clarify control text references and identify mixture as a local definition
2-8.a. – Identify mixture as a local definition
2-8.a. – Note – Clarification to co-crystals
2-8.a. – Technical Note – Clarification to co-crystals
2-8.c. – Identify mixture as a local definition
2-8.c.1. – Identify aircraft as a global definition
2-8.c.1. – Note – Identify aircraft as a global definition
2-8.c.5. – Identify mixture as a local definition
2-8.c.5.a. – Identify mixture as a local definition
2-8.c.5.b. – Identify mixture as a local definition
2-8.c.5.b. – Note 2 – Identify mixture as a local definition and propellants as global definition
2-8.d. – Identify mixture as a local definition
2-8.e.2. – Clarification to chemical structure
2-8.g.1. - Clarification to chemical structure
2-9.a.2.a. – Clarification to surface vessel weapons
2-10.c. – Identify aircraft as a global definition and clarification to unmanned vehicles
2-10.e.2. – Identify aircraft as a global definition
2-10.a. – Note 1 – Identify aircraft as a global definition
2-10.a. – Note 1.a. – Identify aircraft as a global definition
2-10. –Note 1.c. - Clarification to Wassenaar Participating State
2-10. –Note 2.a. - Clarification to Wassenaar Participating State
2-10. –Note 5.b. - Clarification to Wassenaar Participating State
2-13.a. – Clarification to armoured plate
2-13.c. – Clarification to helmets
2-13.c. – N.B. – Clarification to helmets
2-17. – Identify library as a global definition
2-17.a. – Clarification to specific diving and underwater swimming equipment
2-17.f. – Identify library as a global definition and clarification to specific libraries
2-17.o. – Identify laser as a global definition
2-17. – Technical Note - Deleted technical note to create global definition for library
2-18. – Clarification to production as a local defined term
2-21.a. – Clarification to software
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Accuracy
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Airship
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Biocatalysts
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Biopolymers
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Circular error probable
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Civil aircraft
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Composite
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Cryptographic activation
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Cryptography
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Deactivated firearm
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – End-effectors
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – FADEC systems
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Fly-by-light system
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Fly-by-wire system
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Frequency switching time
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Information Security
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Laser
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Library
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Local area network
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Object code
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Operations, Administration or Maintenance
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Plazma atomisation
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Spacecraft bus
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Spacecraft payload
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Technology
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Unidirectional positioning repeatability
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Use
Group 1 and 2 Acronyms and Abbreviations – CPU
Group 3 – CNSC Note – Title moved to correct location
3-1.1. – Note f. – Department name
3-2.2.1. – Explanatory Note – Department name
3-2.2.2. – Explanatory Note – Department name
3-2.5. – Introductory Note – Reference to ECL
Group 4 – General Note – Nuclear Suppliers Group circumvention note
4-2.B.2. – N.B. – Reference to ECL
4-3.A.1. – Note 1 – Reference to ECL
4-3.A.1. – Note 2 – Department name
Group 3 and 4 – Acronyms and abbreviations table
5104 – Previously amended softwood lumber controls
Group 6 – General minimum software note
6-1.D.2. – Clarification to software
6-2.D.3. – Clarification to software
6-2.D.4. – Clarification to software
6-2.D.5. – Clarification to software
6-2.D.6. – Clarification to software
6-3.A.4. – Technical Note – Clarification to staging and separation mechanisms
6-3.A.5. – Note 1 – Clarification that gas turbines for liquid propellant turbopumps are included in propellant control systems
6-3.A.5. – Note 1 – Clarification of pump operating mode
6-3.A.6. – Clarification of control text reference
6-3.C.1. – Clarification of control text reference
6-3.C.2. – Clarification of control text reference
6-4.C. – N.B. – CAS number references
6-4.C.2.b.3. – CAS number
6-4.C.2.b.6. – CAS number
6-4.C.2.b.8. – CAS number
6-4.C.2.b.12. – Clarification and CAS number
6-4.C.2.b.13. – CAS number
6-4.C.2.b.18. – CAS number
6-4.C.2.b.19. – Clarification and CAS number
6-4.C.2.c. – Clarification of ISO standard reference
6-4.C.5.e. – CAS number
6-4.C.5.f. – Technical Note – CAS numbers
6-4.C.6.c.2.f. – CAS number
6-6.B.1.a. – Identify fibre/tow placement machines as a local definition
6-6.B.1.b. – Identify tape laying machines as a local definition
6-6.B.1. – Note – Definitions for 6-6.B.1.a. and 6-6.B.1.b.
6-14.A.1.b.1. – Analogue-to-digital converter microcircuit parameters
6-14.A.1.b.2. – Analogue-to-digital converter module parameters
6-15.B.4. – Clarification to environmental chambers
7-2.1.f. – Clarification of valves and specific valve components
7-2.1.f. – Technical Note 1 – Address materials as a technical note
7-2.1.h. – Technical Note 2 – Clarification of seal control
7-2. – Country List
7-6.a and b. – Identify global definitions
7-12.2. – Clarification of fermenters
7-12.5. – Clarification to freeze drying equipment
7-12.7.b. – Clarification to biological safety cabinets
7-12.8. – Clarification of aerosol inhalation chambers
7-12.9.c. – Clarification of control text references
7-12. – Country List
7-13.1.a.  and 7-13.2.a. – Merged human pathogen viruses and animal pathogen viruses lists
Group 7 Definitions – In the public domain - Global definition and software
Group 7 Definitions – Production - Global definition

Removal of controls

1-1.A.1.b. – Removal of specific fluorinated compounds
1-1.A.1.c. – Removal of specific fluorinated compounds
1-1.C.6.a. – Removal of hydraulic fluids
1-1.C.8.b. – Removal of thermoplastic liquid crystal copolymers
1-1.C.9.a. – Removal of copolymers of vinylidene fluoride
1-1.E.1 – Removal of specific technology for specific fluorinated compounds
1-1.E.2.c.1.c.3. – Removal of specific technology for specific ceramic platelets
1-1.E.2.d. – Removal of technology for aromatic polyamide fibres
1-3.A.1. – Removal of specially designed components
1-3.B.1.c. – Removal of specific anisotropic plasma etching equipment
1-4.D.2. – Removal of specific software to support certain 1-4.E. technology
1-5.B.1.b.2.b. – Removal of specific equipment for the development of transmission or switching equipment using PDFFA optical amplification
1-5.D.1.b. – Removal of specific software to support certain 1-5.E. technology
1-5.E.1.c.2.b. – Removal of specific technology for the development or production of equipment using PDFFA optical amplification
1-6.A.4.d.4. – Removal of specific phased segment mirror system control alignment equipment
1-8.A.1.f. – Removal of specific fully skirted surface effect vehicles
1-8.A.1.g. – Removal of specific rigid sidewall surface effect vehicles
1-8.A.1.h. – Removal of specific hydrofoil vessels
1-8.A.1.i. – Removal of specific small waterplane area vessels
1-8.A.2.d.1. – Removal of specific underwater camera systems
1-8.A.2.e. – Removal of specific underwater photographic still cameras
1-8.A.2.k. – Removal of specific skirts, seals and fingers for specific surface effect vehicles
1-8.A.2.l. – Removal of specific lift fans for specific surface effect vehicles
1-8.A.2.m. – Removal of specific hydrofoils for specific hydrofoil vessels
1-8.A.2.n. – Removal of specific active systems to control sea induced motion in specific vessels
1-8.A.2.o.1. – Removal of specific water screw propeller or power transmission systems for specific vessels
1-9.A.12.b.1. – Removal of specific equipment for remotely controlling specific unmanned systems
1-9.A.12.b.2. – Removal of specific navigation equipment for specific unmanned systems
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Removal of “fixed”
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Removal of “optical amplification”
Group 1 and 2 Definitions – Removal of “system tracks”