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Canada-Mexico relations

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Bilateral relations

In 2025, Canada and Mexico continue to build on over 80 years of diplomatic relations, sharing a vibrant, multi-faceted relationship that is characterized by deep people-to-people ties, rich cultural connections and growing trade and investment. In recognition of this important relationship, the Government of Canada has committed to enhancing and expanding relations with Mexico, both bilaterally and within the North American partnership.

Canada and Mexico have also focused on collaboration within North America, working closely with our common neighbour, the United States. Through mechanisms such as the North American Leaders’ Summit, our countries work together in areas such as security, competitiveness and the environment to create a more integrated, sustainable, and globally-competitive North American economy. Mexico hosted the last North American Leaders’ Summit in Mexico City in January 2023.

Our people-to-people connections are undeniable. Canada continues to be Mexico's second biggest source country for visitors after the United States with a record of over 2.6 million Canadians having travelled to Mexico in 2024. A significant number of Canadians, particularly retirees, have purchased property in Mexico and spend extended periods of time there. Northbound, the number of Mexicans visiting Canada is also increasing with over 590,000 Mexicans travelling to Canada in 2023.

In 2023, a record of almost 60,000 Mexican workers came to Canada under the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP). Under the TFWP, Mexico continues to be a top source country for the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP), often cited as a model for international labour-mobility arrangements. Of the close to 60,000 Mexican workers, over 26,000 came under the SAWP in 2023. This recognizes the foundational role Mexican nationals play as a source of labour for Canada, specifically in sustaining the domestic agricultural sector.

Academic and cultural ties are essential components of our relationship. In 2023, Canada issued over 11,000 study permits to Mexican students, representing an increase of over 80% in the last five years. On top of these students, over 14,000 additional Mexican students took part in short-term language courses which do not require a study permit. Academic collaboration and exchange is ongoing. There are over 300 MOUs between Canadian and Mexican higher education institutions, which mainly facilitate academic exchanges, as well as a number of MOUs between Canadian education associations and Mexican government bodies. In 2023, Mexico was the largest source country for international students from Latin America and the Caribbean in Canada and the 8th largest source globally.

Canada and Mexico have become important strategic partners that share ongoing dialogue and engagement. Our collaborative efforts are pursued through a variety of means, ranging from regular high-level consultations and inter-parliamentary meetings to more institutionalized mechanisms such as the Canada-Mexico Partnership (CMP).

In January 2023, Canada and Mexico presented the Canada-Mexico Action Plan. The Plan was announced by PM Trudeau and President López Obrador at their bilateral meeting on the margins of the North American Leaders’ Summit. The Plan commits to building prosperous, sustainable, safe, and equitable societies for all, while also enhancing the integrity and competitiveness of the North American region.

Strategic programming on security through the Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program complements regular discussions involving security consultations and defense dialogues. At the same time, Canada works closely with Mexico to advance common interests through international and regional forums such as the United Nations and the Organization of American States.

Trade relations

Our trade and investment relationship has seen strong growth since the entry into force of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 and continues with the most recent Canada-US-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (CUSMA). Canadian trade and investment with Mexico is steadily growing, with nearly $55 billion in two-way merchandise trade in 2023. Mexico is Canada's third largest single-country merchandise trading partner (after U.S. and China). Canada was Mexico's fourth-largest merchandise trading partner in 2023. Canadian Direct Investment in Mexico was $40.4B in 2023, which is Canada's 9th largest direct investment destination. Mexico's stability, growing consumer class and competitive labour continue to make it an attractive market for Canadian exports and investments. As a result, Mexico has been identified as a priority market for Export Development Canada (EDC), which has operated a regional office in Mexico since 2000, providing extensive financial services related to Canadian exports and investments in the country.

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Canadians may wish to provide humanitarian aid to Mexico through the donation of used goods and other materials. Given current Mexican customs and health regulations, which make the importation of goods - particularly used clothing and vehicles - very difficult, the Embassy of Canada to Mexico strongly recommends against this practice. Should Canadians wish to contribute to humanitarian aid projects in Mexico, we recommend you do so through a cash donation to reputable Canadian and/or Mexican NGOs and international organizations (i.e. Red Cross).

For more information on Mexican NGOs and/or humanitarian organizations, you may wish to contact the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives at the Embassy of Canada in Mexico City:

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Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and Mexico work closely in multilateral fora, such as:

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