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Canada-the Republic of Korea relations

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Bilateral relations

For over 60 years, Canada and the Republic of Korea (commonly known as South Korea) have enjoyed positive relations. Beginning with Canada’s involvement in the Korean War (1950 to 1953), our longstanding relationship is strengthened by shared values, a history of mutual support, Canada’s first free trade agreement in the Indo-Pacific region - the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement, joint efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, and longstanding transnational ties. The bilateral relationship continues to develop as South Korea becomes an increasingly important strategic and economic partner as well as a like‑minded ally in multilateral forums.

Our positive and growing relationship is reflected in the Canada-Korea Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, established in September 2022 by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Yoon Suk-Yeol. This partnership is based on five shared priorities in the areas of:

In 2023, Canada and South Korea celebrated the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Canada is represented in South Korea via its Embassy in Seoul and through its Consulate in Busan. Meanwhile in Canada, South Korea is represented by its Embassy in Ottawa and its Consulates General in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal.

Transnational ties

Canada and Korea share strong transnational linkages stemming from historical personal connections which are enhanced by increasing immigration and tourism flows, as well as increased commercial relations. South Korea is among the top source countries of international students in Canada. The new Canada-Republic of Korea Youth Mobility Arrangement, signed on May 17, 2023, increased work and travel opportunities for Canadian and South Korean youth. Through International Experience Canada (IEC) Canadians and South Koreans aged 18 to 35 may obtain a work permit to work and travel in each other’s countries. The arrangement allows South Korean youth to benefit from a maximum of two 24-month participations under the Working Holiday and Young Professionals streams, and one 24-month participation under the International Co-op (internship) stream.

Canadian youth may apply through the South Korean equivalent. According to the 2021 Canadian census, over 215,000 Canadians identify themselves as being of Korean origin; and over 25,000 Canadians presently reside in South Korea. Additionally, approximately 3,000 Korean-born adoptees reside in Canada today.

Trade relations

South Korea is Canada’s seventh largest merchandise trading partner, being the sixth largest for imports and eighth largest for exports. 

Canada-Korea two-way merchandise trade is robust, standing at $20.9 billion in 2023. Included in this were Canadian exports of merchandise to Korea valued at $7 billion, representing growth of 197% since 2000. Canada’s largest exports to South Korea include: mineral fuels & oils, mineral ores, meat, wood pulp, and electrical and electronic machinery & equipment. Canadian merchandise imports from South Korea for the same year totaled $13.9 billion, which included motor vehicles and parts, machinery, electrical and electronic machinery and equipment, iron and steel, and iron and steel products. Total trade in clean technology products has grown 19.6% since 2018, reaching $584 million in 2022.

South Korea and Canada are actively collaborating on joint trade priorities, such as cooperating on the establishment of secure critical mineral supply chains, transitioning to sustainable energy sources, and supporting the adoption of cleantech. Notably, recent investments have created a level of interest in Canada by Korean business not seen in several decades. These include a $5 billion investment made by automaker Stellantis and South Korea’s LG Energy Solution in the development of an EV battery production facility in Windsor, Ontario, as well as a $1.2 billion investment made by Ford Motor Company, EcoProBM and SK On towards the construction of a new battery materials production plant in Bécancour, Quebec.

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Defence and security cooperation

Canada is committed to strengthening its close relationship with South Korea, including enhancing security and defense partnerships between the two nations with the mutual goals of maintaining regional peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, and upholding the rules-based international system, with a particular focus on our joint interests in the Indo-Pacific region.

Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy identifies South Korea as a strong democratic partner with which we share bilateral and global strategic interests. The Strategy commits Canada to support the Republic of Korea’s efforts to achieve a denuclearized, peaceful, and prosperous Korean Peninsula. With this aim, Canada is building upon long-standing defence and security ties, including our ongoing participation in the United Nations Command (UNC), as well as via joint efforts to address the threats posed by North Korea’s illicit weapons programs.

Canada remains gravely concerned about North Korea’s provocative and destabilizing actions, including its nuclear weapons programs, ballistic missile launches, malicious cyber activity, and other attempts to evade UN Security Council sanctions. Canada is pleased to work closely alongside South Korea in the Pacific Security Maritime Exchange, a multinational initiative which aims to counter North Korea’s smuggling activities. Canada contributes to this initiative through the Canadian Armed Force’s Operation NEON.

Canada and the Korean War

As a member of the United Nations, Canada answered the call from the UN Security Council to support South Korea’s efforts to repel the sudden invasion attempt by North Korea which occurred on June 25, 1950. On July 5, 1950, Canada dispatched HMCS Athabaskan, Cayuga, and Sioux to Korea, with the three Tribal-class destroyers arriving in the Korean Theatre of Operations on July 30, 1950. They would later be complemented by an additional five destroyers (HMCS Crusader, Haida, Huron, Iroquois, and Nootka). In total, 3,261 sailors of the Royal Canadian Navy served throughout the war.

Both the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Canadian Army also made significant contributions, with the RCAF flying over 3,000 tons of cargo and 13,000 passengers over the course of 600 trans-pacific flights, and 22 RCAF fighter pilots participating in combat operations on exchange with the US Air Force. The Canadian Army, constituting the principal contributor of troops, participated in operations throughout the conflict, the most well known of which were the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry’s participation in the Battle of Kapyong, and the Royal Canadian Regiment’s involvement in the Battle of Hill 187.

In total, 26,791 Canadians served in South Korea between 1950 and the signing of the armistice on July 27, 1953, making Canada the third-largest contributor of troops within United Nations Command. 516 Canadians made the ultimate sacrifice. Five of these were sailors lost at sea, with the remains of a further 16 soldiers having never been found. Today, 378 soldiers are interred in the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Busan, South Korea, with another 117 buried in Japan and Canada.

Canada’s contributions to the defence of South Korea and to upholding freedom, the rules based international system, and our shared values remains foundational to the Canada-South Korea relationship to the present day.

Canadian Armed Forces representation

The Canadian Armed Forces have maintained a continuous presence in the United Nations Command (UNC) since the beginning of the Korean War. The UNC Military Armistice Commission, headquartered in Seoul and Panmunjom, is responsible for supervising the 239.586 kilometre-long Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) under the authority of the Armistice Agreement that was signed on July 27, 1953. Despite major hostilities concluding with the advent of the armistice agreement, the two Koreas technically remain at war as a formal peace treaty has never been signed.

In 2018, Lieutenant General Wayne Eyre was selected to be the first non-US Deputy Commander of UNC. Presently, Canada again contributes a senior officer, LGen Macaulay as Deputy Commander, and maintains a persistent Canadian military presence through the Canadian Contingent UNC (CCUNC), established in 2012. Canadian Staff are assigned to the UNC Headquarters, United States Forces Korea, the UNC’s Military Armistice Commission and UNC Rear in Japan. The Canadian Contingent are active in Guard Post inspections, investigations of cease-fire violations, and other events and ceremonies including the repatriation of war remains from the Korean Peninsula.

Military relations with South Korea

Canadian Defence Attachés have resided in Seoul since 1979. South Korea also maintains a Defence Attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ottawa. Today, Canada and the Republic of Korea are actively partnering to strengthen their security and defence partnerships, particularly within the realms of international peacekeeping, maritime security, and multilateral cooperation. The two nations are continuing their participation in joint and multilateral exercises, reciprocal training, official visits, and exchanges of information, and are working collaboratively to enhance our defence industry partnerships.

Korean War commemorative and Remembrance activities in Korea

Annually during the month of April, Canadian veterans of the Korean War return to South Korea through programs sponsored by the Korean Veterans Association of Korea and the South Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs. The Canadian Defence Relations Office, on behalf of Veteran's Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence Canada, supports these visits as well as other commemorative activities.

Every year poppies are worn by military members and civilians alike for a two-week period preceding November 11, the Canadian Remembrance Day, to commemorate the sacrifices of those who fought and died during the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries, including the Korean War.

Contact information

Defence Relations
Office of the Canadian Defence Attaché

Tel.: 822 3783 6251
Fax: 822 3783 6139

Climate and environment cooperation

Both Canada and South Korea are working together to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

Canada and Korea have both committed to achieving the Paris Agreement targets of 40% emissions reductions by 2030, with the additional goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Both nations have also committed to safeguarding nature and halting biodiversity loss on our lands and in our waters, putting nature on a path to recovery by 2050, in accordance with the multilateral Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework that was adopted in 2022. Our countries have each taken a leadership role through the UN's Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC), and are working toward a legally-binding international instrument on plastic pollution which addresses the full life cycle of plastics including addressing plastic production, design, and disposal with a particular focus on the impacts to marine environments. The INC’s fourth meeting took place in Ottawa in April 2024 and will be followed by INC-5 in Busan, South Korea in November 2024.

Additionally, the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement has established the Environmental Affairs Council (EAC), which undertakes regular technical and policy exchanges over several bilateral priority areas. The EAC consists of subject matter experts from:

In December 2023, Canada and Korea also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Climate Change Cooperation. This MOU provides another avenue for strengthening our collaboration on climate change and the environment. The first annual Climate Change Dialogue between our Ambassadors for Climate Change was held in Ottawa in September 2023.

Canada and South Korea have also cooperated on an operational level, including the successful deployment of South Korean firefighting personnel during Canada’s 2023 wildfire season. Both nations are actively working together to transition to sustainable energy sources, and enhance low-carbon fuel-supply chains, while simultaneously collaborating to support clean technology commercialisation to achieve our joint sustainability, climate, and environment goals.

Partnerships and organizations

To develop effective responses to today’s most pressing global challenges, Canada and the Republic of Korea work closely in multilateral fora, such as:

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