Annual Economic Indicators

Data on key indicators of the Canadian Economy

Canada - Economic Indicators 2015-2019
* Annual estimates derived from Statistics Canada's PID 36-10-0104-01
Source: Statistics Canada, Bank of Canada.
Gross Domestic Product (Current $B, est)*1,990.42,025.52,140.62,231.22,310.7
GDP Per Capita ($)*55,75056,09458,57860,20861,473
Real GDP (chained 2012 $B)1,936.11,955.52,014.92,063.92,102.3
Real GDP Growth0.7%1.0%3.0%2.4%1.9%
Contribution to Real GDP by Selected Sectors (chained 2012$)
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting2.1%2.1%2.1%2.1%2.2%
Mining and oil and gas extraction7.6%7.4%7.9%8.1%7.9%
Construction and utilities10.0%9.6%9.6%9.5%9.3%
Wholesale & retail trade, transportation and warehousing14.5%14.7%14.8%14.8%14.7%
Finance, insurance and real estate services19.0%19.3%19.6%19.4%19.6%
Information, culture, arts, entertainment and recreation3.9%4.0%4.0%4.0%4.1%
Professional services, restaurants and hotels11.4%11.4%11.1%11.1%11.2%
Education, health, social and government services21.0%21.1%20.8%20.9%21.0%
Terms of Trade (2012 = 100.0) (Index)91.189.892.993.893.8
Exports of Goods & Services as percent of GDP31.8%31.5%31.5%32.3%31.9%
Imports of Goods & Services as percent of GDP34.3%33.9%33.6%34.2%33.5%
Federal Government
Balance (National Accounts) ($B)4.7-2.5-2.610.31.4
CPI - Rate of Inflation1.1%1.4%1.6%2.3%1.9%
Unemployment Rate6.9%7.0%6.3%5.8%5.7%
Population (Million)35.736.136.537.137.6
Research and Development
Gross Expenditures on R&D (GERD) ($B)33.735.035.734.835.5
(GERD) as % of GDP1.69%1.73%1.67%1.56%1.54%
Annual Average Interest Rates - Banks Prime rates:
Canada2.78%2.70%2.91%3.64%n.a. **
United States3.27%3.52%4.13%4.94%5.27%
Annual Average Exchange Rates: 1 Cdn $ in
U.S. Dollar0.7820.7550.7700.7720.754
Pound Sterling0.5120.5570.5980.5780.590
Chinese renminbi4.9165.0135.2085.0995.204
Mexican peso12.40214.06514.54014.82614.509
Japanese Yen94.69781.90086.38785.17982.158

December 2020

Global Affairs Canada
Office of the Chief Economist (BEA)