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Trade Mission to India - Who should participate?
This trade mission is open to Canadian businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, looking to take advantage of opportunities in India. It will facilitate access to key local economic and political decision-makers and provide greater public profile to business participants, helping them build their network with the local business community and the region.
Interested companies will be screened for suitability based on the objectives of the mission and the company’s expertise and capacity to provide the needed services and/or goods in the market.
Innovative Canadian organizations (including educational institutions, accelerators, incubators and women entrepreneurs), with expertise in the following sectors are encouraged to participate.
Advanced Manufacturing
Canadian companies with experience in advanced manufacturing trends including:
- additive manufacturing;
- advanced robotics;
- artificial intelligence;
- augmented reality;
- cloud computing;
- cyber security;
- industrial analytics;
- internet of things;
- simulation and system integration.
Canadian firms in the fields of:
- environmental consulting and services;
- renewable energy including solar, wind, biomass and small hydro;
- waste to energy;
- water and wastewater.
Canadian companies with expertise in:
- greenhouse gas reduction technologies;
- large-scale hydro;
- smart grid and energy storage;
- energy efficiency.
Information and communications technologies (ICT)
Canadian ICT companies specializing in the areas of:
- automotion and robotics;
- big data;
- fintech companies;
- gaming;
- M2M/IoT, automation;
- security infrastructure;
- SMAC (social media, mobility, analytics and cloud);
- telecom technologies (network equipment, solutions; 4G/LTE technologies).
Life Sciences
Innovative health technology companies with an expertise in:
- biotechnology;
- e-health;
- monitoring and treatment of patients;
- telemedicine and remote diagnostics.
Canadian companies with transportation-related expertise in:
- transportation system design and project management;
- construction equipment;
- intelligent transportation solutions (ITS) technologies including , innovative technologies for roads, rails, shipping and airports;
- project management and execution of transportation projects;
- tolling equipment services.