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WTO Products of Natural Milk Constituents (Item 125 on the Import Control List) – Quantities available for reallocation (including for other products of natural milk constituents)

This message is to inform industry stakeholders that, as of September 18, 2019, quantities are available under the WTO products of natural milk constituents TRQ for 2019, including for allocations to import other products of natural milk constituents (e.g. blends of natural milk constituents).

Available quantities of TRQ will be allocated to eligible applicants who demonstrate a requirement for products of natural milk constituents (including for other products of natural milk constituents such as blends) in their manufacturing operations and product formulations as per the allocation method detailed in Section 4 of Notice to Importers No. 891.

Those interested in securing an allocation are to provide the protein content and butterfat content of the product to be imported. Information for each finished product that will be manufactured with imported products of natural milk constituents, such as product name, description and the ratio (percentage) of imported products of natural milk constituents, is also to be provided to Global Affairs Canada.

If the cumulative requests made by eligible applicants exceed the quantity available, the quantity allocated to each eligible applicant will be the lower of the quantity requested or an equal share.

As of September 18, 2019, a total of 1,430,369 kg of TRQ are available for allocation for products of natural milk constituents until December 31, 2019.

Those interested in securing an allocation for products of natural milk constituents are to submit their request by email to by close of business October 2, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you,

Supply-Managed Trade Controls (TIC)
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2

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