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Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Second Joint Management Committee - Brussels, Belgium

February 25-27, 2019

Final Agenda 

  1. Welcome and introduction
    (Canada/European Union)
    • 1.1 Opening Remarks
    • 1.2 Introductions
    • 1.3 Adoption of the Agenda
  2. Operation and implementation of the SPS chapter
    (Canada/European Union)
    • 2.1 Rules of Procedure
    • 2.2 Process for the establishment of the CETA SPS JMC Work Programme
    • 2.3 Follow up of the actions - SPS JMC 2018
    • 2.4 Exchange on CETA SPS Chapter articles, Article 5.11 (disease notification and information exchange)
  3. Information sharing
    (European Union/Canada)
  4. Annex review
    (Canada/European Union)
    • 4.1 Process for modification to existing annexes/establishment of new annexes
    • 4.2 Review of annexes
      • 4.2.1. Annex 5 C Process of recognition of regional conditions: Plant pests
      • 4.2.2. Annex 5 F: Approval of establishments or facilities
  5. Specific issue management 
    • 5.1 EU Export application of fresh tomato with vines, stems, and calyces
      (European Union)
    • 5.2 Alternatives to use of methyl bromide, ongoing project work
      (European Union/Canada)
    • 5.3. Exportations of grapevine plants
    Food Safety
    • 5.4 Information on specific Member States measures differ from EU measures
    • 5.5 EU to provide information on EU requirements on hazard-based cut-off and the impact on import tolerances based on Regulation (EU) 2018/605, Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.
      • 5.5.1 EU and Canada to provide information on their respective policies regarding Pesticides.
        (Union Européenne)
    • 5.6 Recognition of EU Member State meat inspection systems by Canada
      (European Union)
    • 5.7 Export Certificates
      • 5.7.1 EU harmonised export certificates for fresh meat (poultry, sheep/goat) and processed meat (beef, pork, poultry, others)
        (European Union)
      • 5.7.2 Simplified Certificates for Canadian exports of meat and meat products
    • 5.8 Simplified Certificates for Canadian pork products. The EU to provide an update on the timeline needed to update Annex II of Decision 2005/290 to bring the Annex in line with SFCR requirements
    • 5.9 Closure of the EU’s 2015 audit of the CFIA’s fish inspection activities
    • 5.10 Timelines for listing of approved Canadian establishments
      (Canada/European Union)
    Animal Health
    • 5.11 Recognition of the PCR test on bovine semen for Schmallenberg Virus
      (European Union)
    • 5.12 Revised testing protocols due to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) in Canada
    • 5.13 EU and Canada to exchange information on the legislative changes in the EU for the removal of Specified Risk Material from bovines at slaughter in EU Member States
      (Canada/European Union) 
    • 5.14 Canada to provide an update and findings CFIA's Offshore program.
      (European Union)
  6. Opportunities for enhanced cooperation on sps intiatives
    • 6.1 Antimicrobial resistance
      (European Union)
  7. Work programme for 2019-2020
    (Canada/European Union)
  8. Break to write and finalize meeting report and action item list
    (Canada/European Union)
  9. CETA SPS JMC meeting report and action item adoption
    (Canada/European Union)
  10. Next meeting
    (Canada/European Union)
  11. Adjournment
    (Canada/European Union)
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