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CUSMA committees, working groups and other subsidiary bodies

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Committee on Trade in Goods (Goods Committee)

The role of the Goods Committee is to monitor the implementation of the National Treatment and Market Access for Goods Chapter. The Committee provides a forum for Parties to consult and endeavour to resolve issues related to this chapter. It addresses tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade in goods and, as required, refers a matter to the Commission for its consideration. The Goods Committee meets on the request of a Party or the Commission, as decided by the Parties.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 2.17 or contact

Committee on Agriculture Trade (Agriculture Committee)

The role of the Agriculture Committee is to provide a forum to exchange information on trade related to agricultural goods, promote trade in agricultural goods between the Parties, consult and endeavor to address issues or trade barriers, and improve access to their respective markets. This committee is cooperating in areas of mutual interest such as rural development, technology, research and development, and capacity building. The Agriculture Trade Committee meets every year unless the Parties decide otherwise.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 3.7 or contact

Working Group for Cooperation on Agricultural Biotechnology (Working Group)

The role of the Working Group is to provide a forum for the Parties to exchange information on issues related to domestic laws, regulations or policies, and on any risk or safety assessments, subject to appropriate confidentiality arrangements.

The Working Group exchanges information and collaborates when possible on regulatory and policy developments. It also considers work, based upon accumulated knowledge and experience of certain products, in areas of regulatory affairs and policy to facilitate trade in products of agricultural biotechnology. The group works closely with the Committee on Agriculture Trade and other relevant committees. It meets every year unless the Parties decide otherwise.

Working group meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 3.16 or contact

Committee on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures (Origin Committee)

The role of the Origin Committee is to consider any matter under Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin) or Chapter 5 (Origin Procedures). This includes discussing possible amendments or modifications to these chapters as proposed by a Party, in particular to the Product-Specific Rules of Origin in Annex 4-B, except Product-Specific Rules for textile and apparel goods.

The Committee will also consider the possibility of cumulation with non-parties with which the Parties have trade agreements on a product by product basis. It meets when necessary, on the request of a Party.

Committee meetings:

* In addition to this formal committee meeting, representatives from the Origin Committee from all three countries have been in regular contact to discuss issues of interest as they have arisen.

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 5.18 or contact

Sub-Committee on Origin Verification

The role of the Sub-Committee on Origin Verification includes discussing and developing technical papers and sharing technical advice for the purposes of conducting verifications of origin. This sub-committee provides a forum for the Parties to consult and endeavor to resolve any issues that arise relating to origin verification. The Sub-Committee meets at least once a year, or at the request of the Commission or the Origin Committee.

Sub-Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 5.19 or contact

Committee on Textile and Apparel Trade Matters (Textiles Committee)

The role of the Textiles Committee is to consider any matter under Chapter 6 (Textile and Apparel Goods).  Its functions include reviewing the implementation of the chapter, consulting on technical or interpretive difficulties that may arise under the chapter and discussing ways to improve the effectiveness of cooperation under the chapter.

The Committee also assesses the potential benefits and risks that may result from the elimination of existing restrictions on trade between the Parties in worn clothing, including the effects on business and employment opportunities, and on the market for textile and apparel goods. The Committee meets at such times as the Parties decide and at the request of the Commission.

Committee meetings:

* In addition to this formal committee meeting, representatives from the Textiles Committee from all 3 countries have met a number of times to discuss issues of interest as they have arisen.

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 6.8 or contact

Committee on Trade Facilitation (Trade Facilitation Committee)

The role of the Trade Facilitation Committee is to consider any matter arising under Chapter 7 (Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation). It provides a forum to facilitate the exchange of information on existing customs policies and procedures, to consult on and resolve issues that may arise, and to consider new measures that may facilitate trade. The Trade Facilitation Committee meets as the Parties decide.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 7.24 or contact

Sub-Committee on Customs Enforcement (Customs Enforcement Sub-Committee)

The role of the Customs Enforcement Sub-Committee is to address issues related to potential or real customs offenses. It works to identify regional priorities of mutual concern and programs for detecting, preventing, and addressing duty evasion and other customs offenses. It also identifies and discusses opportunities for the exchange of customs and trade information or data among the Parties that facilitates detecting, preventing, and addressing customs offenses.

This Sub-Committee provides a forum to discuss customs related issues and to identify joint customs enforcement and compliance initiatives on topics of mutual concerns. Members exchange best practices on customs enforcement and information on managing customs compliance. The Sub-Committee meets as the Parties decide.

Sub-Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 7.29 or contact

Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Committee)

The role of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS) Committee is to serve as a forum to improve the Parties’ understanding of sanitary or phytosanitary issues that relate to the implementation of Chapter 9 (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Chapter). The Committee works to enhance communication and cooperation among the Parties related to sanitary or phytosanitary matters. Members identify and discuss measures that may have a significant effect on trade in North America, including for the purposes of facilitating greater alignment of sanitary or phytosanitary measures. The Committee meets once a year and reports annually to the Commission on the implementation of the chapter.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 9.17 or contact

Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Committee)

The role of the TBT Committee includes monitoring and identifying ways to strengthen the implementation and operation of Chapter 11 (Technical Barriers to Trade). The Committee aims to encourage cooperation between the Parties in matters that pertain to the chapter, including the development, review, or modification of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures.

The Committee may also undertake initiatives to support greater regulatory alignment in the region, including through developing common standards or conformity assessment procedures, in sectors of mutual interest. The TBT Committee meets at least once a year and reports annually to the Commission on its activities.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 11.11 or contact

Committee on Good Regulatory Practices (GRP Committee)

The role of the GRP Committee is to encourage regulatory compatibility and regulatory cooperation, with a view to facilitate trade between the Parties. The Committee’s functions include:

The GRP Committee meets at least once a year and reports annually to the Commission on its activities.     

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 28.18 or contact

Committee on Transportation Services (Transportation Services Committee)

The role of the Transportation Services Committee is to resolve issues that may arise from the implementation and operation of transportation services in chapters 14 and 15 (Investment and Cross-Border Trade in Services). It is composed of government representatives of the relevant trade and transport-related national authorities of each Party. The Committee may invite, as appropriate, representatives of other relevant entities and representatives of the private sector to attend meetings of the Committee and provide a report on the discussions by these representatives. It must also take into consideration the discussions and outcomes related to the Committee from other forums in which the Parties participate in order to avoid duplication, and, as appropriate, incorporate those discussions and outcomes in the discussions of the Committee.

The Transportation Services Committee is required to meet within 1 year of the date of entry of the Agreement and thereafter as necessary.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Annex 15-B or contact

Working Group on Professions (Professional Services Working Group)

The role of the Professional Services Working Group is to supports the Parties’ relevant bodies in pursuing activities such as:

The Professional Services Working Group will meet as decided by the Parties.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Annex-15C or contact

Committee on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR Committee)

The role of the IPR Committee is to exchange information on intellectual property rights matters related to innovation, small and medium-sized enterprises, curtailing intellectual property infringement and raising intellectual property awareness.

The Committee also works towards strengthening border enforcement through collaboration and advancing transparency in the protection of geographical indications. It exchanges information on trade secret-related issues and discusses ways to enhance procedural fairness in patent litigation.

The Committee may also seek to cooperate on providing technical assistance on trade secret protection to non-Parties and identify appropriate opportunities for increased cooperation on trade related issues for IPR. The Committee meets as necessary.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 20.14 or contact

Temporary Entry Working Group

The role of the Temporary Entry Working Group is to consider matters related to the implementation and administration of Chapter 16 (Temporary Entry for Business Persons), as well as the development of measures to further facilitate the temporary entry of business persons engaged in the trade of goods or services, and investment activities. This includes:

The working group meets at least once a year and is composed of relevant government officials from each Party, including representatives from Parties’ respective immigration authorities. 

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 16.6 or contact

Telecommunications Committee

The role of the Telecommunications Committee is to review and monitor the implementation and operation of telecommunications as detailed in the Agreement. The objective is to ensure the effective implementation of Chapter 18 (Telecommunications) by enabling responsiveness to technological and regulatory developments in telecommunications. The Telecommunication Committee meets at venues and times that the Parties decide.

Committee meetings:

For more information refer to CUSMA Article 18.27 , please contact

Committee on Financial Services (Financial Services Committee)

The role of the Financial Services Committee is to supervise the implementation of Chapter 17 (Financial Services) and its further elaboration, and to assess the functioning of CUSMA as it pertains to financial services. The Committee on Financial Services meets when the Parties decide.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 17.19 or contact

Committee on State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Designated Monopolies (SOE Committee)

The role of the SOE Committee is to review and consider the operation and implementation of Chapter 22 (State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies) at a Party’s request. Its role also includes consulting on matters arising under the chapter, and developing cooperative efforts to promote the principles underlying the disciplines in the chapter. The SOE Committee meets at least once each year.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 22.12 or contact

Labour Council

The role of the Labour Council is to consider any matter within the scope of Chapter 23 (Labour) and perform other functions as the Parties may decide. In conducting its activities, the Labour Council provides a means for receiving and considering the views of interested persons on matters related to the chapter. When possible, meetings will include a public session or other means for Council members to meet with the public to discuss matters relating to the implementation of this chapter.

During the fifth year after the date of entry into force of the Agreement, or as otherwise decided by the Parties, the Labour Council will review the operation and effectiveness of the chapter and may undertake subsequent reviews as decided by the Parties. The Labour Council meets every 2 years, unless the Parties decide otherwise, and is required to hold a public forum.

Council meetings and statements:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 23.14 or contact

Environment Committee

The role of the Environment Committee is to oversee the implementation of Chapter 24 (Environment). Its functions include providing a forum to discuss and review the implementation of the chapter, seeking to resolve any matter that may arise, and coordinating with other committees established under CUSMA, as appropriate.

The Environment Committee, which meets every 2 years unless agreed otherwise, is required to hold a public session at each of its meetings. 

Committee meetings and statements:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 24.26 or contact

Committee on SME Issues (SME Committee)

The role of the SME Committee is to make it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to take advantage of trade and investment opportunities under the Agreement by enhancing cooperation on SME support infrastructure, best practices and information sharing, as well as collaboration on activities to promote SMEs owned by under-represented groups. The Committee fosters cooperation amongst the Parties to increase trade and investment opportunities for SMEs and ensures that information is available to SMEs on the obligations and functioning of the Agreement.

The Committee also holds an annual Trilateral SME Dialogue as a means to engage with external stakeholders on any matter within the scope of CUSMA and on its implementation and further modernization.

The SME Committee meets annually unless the Parties decide otherwise.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 25.4 or contact

Macroeconomic Committee

The role of the Macroeconomic Committee is to consider the macroeconomic and exchange rate policies of each Party, and their consequences on diverse macroeconomic variables, including domestic demand, external demand, and the current account balance.  

It also considers issues, challenges, or efforts to strengthen capacity with respect to transparency or reporting. The Macroeconomic Committee meets at least annually unless the Parties decide otherwise.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 33.6 or contact

North American Competitiveness Committee (Competitiveness Committee)

The role of the Competitiveness Committee is to discuss and develop cooperative activities in support of a strong economic environment that: incentivizes production in North America; facilitates regional trade and investment; enhances a predictable and transparent regulatory environment; encourages the swift movement of goods and the provision of services throughout the region; and responds to market developments and emerging technologies.

The Competitiveness Committee also explores ways to further assist North American traders to identify and take advantage of trade opportunities under CUSMA. The Competitiveness Committee meets annually unless the Parties decide otherwise.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 26.1 or contact

Trilateral Coordination Sub-Committee on Emergency Response

The role of the Sub-Committee on Emergency Response is to enhance coordination and consultation among the Parties to support maintaining North American trade flows in emergency situations, while ensuring that labour rights and worker health and safety are protected. The Sub-Committee meets annually, or as otherwise decided, and may establish technical working groups on specific areas related to emergency response affecting trade flows and continuity of supply chain operations.  In addition, a trilateral working group has been established under the Sub-Committee to enable the sharing of approaches to defining and protecting critical infrastructure and jointly acknowledging shared critical infrastructure priorities.

Sub-committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA FTC Decision #5 or contact

Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes

The role of the Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes is to encourage, facilitate, and promote through education, the use of arbitration, mediation, online dispute resolution and other procedures to prevent and resolve international commercial disputes between private parties in the free trade area.

The Committee reports and provides recommendations to the Commission on general issues respecting the availability, use, and effectiveness of arbitration, mediation, online dispute settlement resolution, and other dispute resolution procedures for the prevention and resolution of those disputes in the free trade area.

This Committee has established terms of reference, meets at least once a year and can meet as needed to resolve issues related to private commercial disputes.

Committee meetings:

For more information, please refer to CUSMA Article 31.22 or contact

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