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Guide to preparing concept notes for the 2022 call for concept notes—Indigenous Peoples Partnering for Climate

General instructions

The concept note must meet the following requirements:

Structure of the concept note

Please include the following information and adhere to the following structure:

Section 1 - General information

Title: Proposed title.

Duration: Up to 60 months (5 years maximum) for the overarching project(s). Partnership projects, supported by the overarching project(s) through sub-granting, will likely last between 24-48 months (2‑4 years).

Country(ies)/regions: All official development assistance-eligible countries are eligible.

Funding: $5 million (minimum) up to $15 million (maximum).

Contact name, title and email: Specify 1 or 2 contact(s).

Signatories: As part of this process, organizations can choose to apply individually, or jointly. One organization may choose to sign the funding agreement with GAC as the sole signatory, but work with other organizations (partners) on the project. Alternatively, more than one organization can also be co-signatories of the funding agreement with GAC.  In this case, the co-signatories would be jointly and individually responsible for the obligations listed in the agreement with GAC.  List other signatories that you expect would sign the funding agreement. If none, indicate N/A.

Non Signatory organizations: List Indigenous organizations or others (partners) that you have already identified who will participate in the overarching project but will not sign the funding agreement. If none, indicate N/A or “not yet,” as appropriate. These may be organizations in Canada or in developing countries.

Section 2 - Your project

Rationale for the overarching project

Your organization must identify the challenges Indigenous Peoples in developing countries face related to their self-determined development, the context in which the overarching and partnership projects will take place and the climate adaptation issues that exist and will be addressed by the proposed overarching project.


This section describes how the overarching and partnership projects will solve the challenges described in the section above. Although you will not have all the information until partnership projects begin, do provide as much detail as you can.

Section 3 - Your experience

Organization experience             

Your organization must describe the relevant technical and financial experience that will demonstrate your capacity to achieve the results outlined above.

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