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Canada's efforts to promote international peace and security

Canada’s work toward a safer world amid complex challenges.


Services and information

Canada and non-Proliferation, arms control, and disarmament

Learn how Canada addresses international arms control and the proliferation of weapons by working with international regimes and partners through policy and programming initiatives.

Information integrity online

The Declaration establishes a set of high-level commitments for governments to uphold information integrity online, including government engagement with industry.

Countering terrorism

Learn about Canada’s efforts to counter global and domestic terrorist threats.

Women, peace and security

Recognizing and addressing the experiences of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations.

International crime

The illegal drug trade, human smuggling, money laundering and other activities of international organized crime.

Peacebuilding, stability and security

Efforts to stabilize fragile states, including through peacekeeping and the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program.

Space issues

Learn how Canada ensures the safe, secure and sustainable use of space and apply for a licence under the Remote Sensing Space Systems Act.

Securing the border

Discover how border security keeps Canadians and businesses safe.

Current operations

Discover where the Canadian Armed Forces are currently deployed on operations in Canada, North America and around the world.

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