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Information integrity online

The erosion of information integrity, including the propagation of disinformation, weakens the strength of democratic engagement because it hinders open public debate on important issues that affect all of us. Access to diverse and reliable sources of information, and ultimately a shared set of facts, are essential for well-functioning societies. This enables people to form opinions, hold governments to account, and participate in public debate.

The importance of information integrity

Information integrity is essential to help enable the strength of democratic processes and to protect fundamental rights. When information is distorted or manipulated, it can have severe consequences. Lives can be put at risk when disinformation online incites discrimination and violence offline. Illiberal regimes often exploit digital technology to conduct information warfare, promoting deception, division, and sowing distrust in democratic processes and institutions.

The role of the global declaration

Canada and the Netherlands launched the Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online on September 20, 2023 in New York, on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Week.

The Declaration draws from existing research, policy and principles on safeguarding the information ecosystem to establish a set of high-level international commitments to serve as a framework and guide for governments to uphold information integrity online, including government engagement with industry. It looks to help us strengthen our responses to the opportunities and challenges that generative artificial intelligence (AI) brings to the information ecosystem. The Declaration constitutes a concrete step towards the development of international norms for addressing information integrity online that is rooted in democratic values.

The Declaration calls upon all participating states to take concrete steps to:

  1. Abstain from and condemn state-led disinformation campaigns
  2. Respect, promote and fulfill the right to freedom of expression
  3. Implement relevant legislation in compliance with international law
  4. Avoid stifling freedom of expression under the guise of countering disinformation
  5. Promote stronger civic education online and digital literacy
  6. Support independent media, news and journalism
  7. Take active steps to address disinformation targeting groups in vulnerable situations

Invites industry to:

  1. Respect the rule of law and commit to not abusing human rights
  2. Enhance transparency in advertising, algorithm and content moderation processes
  3. Provide clear and timely redress mechanisms to users
  4. Support for independent researchers and fact-checkers
  5. Abide by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

List of participating states

Initial participating states as of September 20, 2023

  1. Australia
  2. Austria
  3. Belgium
  4. Brazil
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. Costa Rica
  8. Czechia
  9. Denmark
  10. Dominican Republic
  11. Estonia
  12. Finland
  13. France
  14. Georgia
  15. Germany
  16. Iceland
  17. Ireland
  18. Italy
  19. Japan
  20. Kenya
  21. Latvia
  22. Lithuania
  23. Luxembourg
  24. Moldova
  25. Netherlands
  26. North Macedonia
  27. New Zealand
  28. Republic of Korea
  29. Slovakia
  30. Sweden
  31. Switzerland
  32. United Kingdom
  33. Uruguay
  34. United States


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