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Statement by Canada to the Ninth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty

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August 21, 2023

Agenda Item 5: General Debate

Madam President,

We congratulate you on the assumption of the Presidency of the Ninth Conference of States Parties. Please be assured of our delegation’s full support.

We thank you for organizing this morning’s panel on engaging industry in the work of the ATT. We believe that industry can play an important part in advancing the goals of the Treaty.

We would like to congratulate Andorra and Gabon for their ratification of the Treaty, and becoming the 112th and 113th States Parties of the ATT. Canada remains committed to universalizing the ATT, and we reiterate our call on all States not yet party to join the Treaty.

Madam President,

Conflict and instability are fuelled in large part by the availability of arms. Canada believes that governments can and should work together to do more to address the illicit possession and proliferation of conventional weapons, including small arms and light weapons.

In this context, we echo other delegations that have spoken against transfers of arms to Russia given that country’s use of conventional weapons in systematic attacks against the Ukrainian civilian population.

As we approach ten years since the ATT’s inception, the Treaty is now at a critical juncture where we need to take the necessary means to ensure its sustainability. This is key to achieving our common objectives of reducing human suffering and contributing to peace, security and stability.

To this end, we want to thank the Management Committee for their work on the proposed programme of work, and look forward to finding a constructive way ahead. Canada welcomes the revised proposal on a one-year trial basis. We are in favour of an increased focus on substantive issues, with less time allocated towards procedural elements. We acknowledge that logistical details of the proposal remain to be addressed, and these will undoubtedly be ironed out over the course of the year. For that reason, we are encouraged that there will be a review of the trial period at CSP10. We look forward to a full assessment of the proposal at that time, once we have been able to collectively evaluate the one-year trial period. We call on States Parties to be open to this revised format, and we remain optimistic that this is a stepping stone on the path to an increasingly efficient Treaty. Regarding the worsening financial situation of the Treaty, we once again express our strong concern. We urge all States Parties to pay their annual contributions in full and on time. Fulfilling this legal obligation is essential to the sustainability and survival of the ATT. We strongly encourage States Parties to access payment plan options to settle their arrears, so that they can fulfil their payment obligations under the Treaty.

Madam President,

Canada places strong importance on the gender elements of the ATT, and reinforcing the need for the full equal and meaningful participation of women.

We would like to thank the delegation of Argentina for their working paper and survey on gender based violence. We are currently working on collecting information for its completion and plan to submit the survey by the November deadline.

We would also like to commend efforts to expand the definition of gender-based violence to include those discriminated against on the basis of Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity (SOGI). Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms articulates that no one can be discriminated against on the grounds of sex, gender, age, religion, and has extended this to include all sexual orientations and gender identities. We encourage all States Parties to similarly consider the importance of securing protections for all under the ATT’s Article 7.4 commitments.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express Canada's commitment to working with stakeholders, including civil society organizations, and ensuring they have a voice at the table. We prioritize continual work with allies and CSOs during the intersessional period, and are confident that this leads to improved results overall.

Madam President, my delegation looks forward to a productive week of meetings.

I thank you.

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