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International Policy Ideas Challenge

Global Affairs Canada (GAC), in collaboration with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, manages the International Policy Ideas Challenge.

The International Policy Ideas Challenge draws on the network of talented Canadian graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and early-career civil society researchers to identify concrete, innovative solutions to emerging international policy challenges faced by Canada.

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About the International Policy Ideas Challenge

The International Policy Ideas Challenge offers applicants a chance to test their skills at translating academic expertise into policy language and insights. Applicants are invited to submit brief proposals related to 1 or more provided themes. GAC will select winning proposals, and researchers will be provided with coaching as they develop their proposals into full policy briefs.

Proposals should outline a trend, dynamic or research question affecting Canadian foreign policy in relation to 1 or more of the provided themes that applicants believe need additional study. These themes are derived from GAC’s mandate and key objectives on foreign policy and international trade and assistance.

Who is eligible

The International Policy Ideas Challenge invites applications from current graduate students (master’s or PhD level) and post-doctoral fellows at a recognized Canadian post-secondary educational institution.

Researchers affiliated with a Canadian non-profit organization (for example, a non-governmental organization or a think tank) who are within 6 years of graduation from a graduate program at a recognized post-secondary institution will also be considered.

Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

Indeterminate and term employees of the Government of Canada are not eligible to apply. Additionally, employees of GAC, including students and casuals, are not eligible to apply.

Team applications, with a maximum of 3 members, are permitted; however, a lead researcher must be identified. A team application that includes collaborators from other universities is permitted. In the case of a team application, all members must meet the above requirements.


A modest financial award is granted for winning proposals. In addition, all winners will receive coaching to develop their proposals. The coaching program will give winners additional assistance with their research, policy analysis and presentation skills. The coaching will include group and one-on-one sessions for which each winner will be paired with a subject matter expert.


Global Affairs Canada is pleased to acknowledge the partnership of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in this initiative.

Past winners

Learn about previous years’ winners here:

Calls for proposals

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