Questions and Answers – Call for Proposals – Women as agents of change in the Americas
This web page includes questions from potential applicants and answers from Global Affairs Canada regarding the 2019 Call for proposals: Women as agents of change in the Americas. This web page is not a substitute for the guidance on the application process contained on the main page of this call, the Partners@International portal and the application form.
Please note that Global Affairs Canada may redraft questions from applicants in order to protect their identities, as well as to ensure that the questions and answers are broadly applicable to all applicants.
Please note that the deadline for submitting questions regarding this call for proposals is Wednesday, February 20, 2019, at 12 p.m. (noon) Eastern Standard Time. Answers to questions received before this deadline will be posted below.
Where can organizations find the list of eligible countries under this call in the Partners@International portal? (February 8, 2019)
Once a proposal has been created in the portal, applicants can view all eligible countries in the country drop-down menu.
For organizations not yet registered in the portal but are considering applying, what is the list of countries eligible for official development assistance within the Latin America and Caribbean region? (February 8, 2019)
The list of eligible countries for the call “Women as agents of change in the Americas” includes:
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VenezuelaFor the required organizational experience of 2 examples of total value of $2 million or more, does this mean each project has to be of a total value of $2 million plus? Or could the two projects combine to equal more than $2 million? (February 8, 2019)
The two projects combined should equal $2 million or more.
Can examples of past project experience include current operational projects? (February 8, 2019)
Examples of past project experience can include operational projects that are in an advanced state of implementation and have already generated measurable results.
Can examples of past project experience include previous projects that terminated exactly 10 years ago (in 2009)? (February 8, 2019)
Projects that ended at the 10-year mark (that is, in 2009) will not be considered.
Can project examples used to demonstrate project management experience be from any country? (February 8, 2019)
Project examples used to demonstrate project management experience must have been implemented in a country that is eligible for official development assistance.
One of the eligibility requirements states that the project must take place in at least two eligible countries. Does this mean that the project must take place in two countries? Or could it take place potentially in just one? (February 8, 2019)
The geographic focus of your project must cover two or more countries eligible for official development assistance within Latin America and the Caribbean, as listed. Projects that are planned to take place in a single country will not be accepted.
Can organizations that are registered outside of Latin America and the Caribbean countries apply? (February 8, 2019)
Yes, if your organization is legally incorporated in Canada or any other country, and you can provide proof of legal status. If your original documentation is in a language other than French or English, provide a scan of the original as well as a translation.
When the applicant or lead organization in the preliminary proposal is legally incorporated in Canada, or in any country outside of Latin America and the Caribbean, you must work in partnership with one or more local organizations that are legally incorporated in one of countries where project activities are being planned.
Does the requirement for “two or more countries” per project indicate a preference for cross-border or transnational projects, or could two or more countries be put forward, each responding to the requirements of the call but having distinct approaches tailored to each country context? (February 8, 2019)
There is no preference. Organizations can submit either approach. Both are valid under this call.
Is it possible to include activities held in other countries outside of Latin America and the Caribbean? (February 20, 2019)
No, proposals for initiatives that include activities in countries that are not listed will not be considered.
Can a signatory rely solely on the experience of a non-signatory to meet the experience requirement? (February 20, 2019)
No. The experience of a non-signatory cannot be used to meet this requirement. In the case where there are multiple signatories, then examples of past experience can be provided by any of the signatories.
Would universities be eligible to apply? (February 20, 2019)
Yes, all organizations, including educational institutions such as universities that meet the eligibility criteria, may submit an application under this call for preliminary proposals.
In the guidelines there is mention of multilateral institutions not being able to apply; however, it is not clear if this refers also to international organizations. (February 20, 2019)
For the purposes of this call for proposals, international organizations that are intergovernmental in nature, meaning they have two or more member states, are not eligible for this call; however, other international organizations can submit proposals.
Can we submit more than one preliminary proposal under this call? (February 20, 2019)
No. If your organization submits more than one application under this call, either on its own or as a co-signatory to a funding agreement, we will only consider the application with the earliest submission time-stamp.
Can individual researchers from an institution submit an application? (February 20, 2019)
No, given that the lead applicant must be legally incorporated and will need to provide proof of its legal status.
Is March 13 the deadline for submitting the preliminary proposal or the complete application package? (February 20, 2019)
March 13, 2019, 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time is the deadline for submitting the complete application package, which includes the preliminary proposal.
Are applicants required to include a full budget with the preliminary proposal? (February 20, 2019)
Applicants are not required to submit a full budget at this stage.
Can the relevant project experience of a non-signatory be included in the Relevant Experience Section? (February 20, 2019)
No. This experience must be provided by the signatory.
Could the cost-share requirement be met with combined contributions from all partners? (February 20, 2019)
There are two options to fulfill the cost-share requirement:
- All signatories of the agreement
The cost-share requirement can be met with combined contributions from all members/partners as long as all members are the signatories of the agreement. In such a case, these signatories will be jointly and severally responsible to fulfill the project’s cost-share obligation.
- Only one signatory of the agreement
In the case of only one signatory of the agreement, the signatory will be responsible for other members’ contributions should one of them (or all) fail to comply with its (their) cost-share obligations. It is, however, a good practice to ensure that the primary and only signatory has service agreements in place with other members.
- All signatories of the agreement
In which case can the local partner’s contribution count towards the cost-share of the applicant? (February 20, 2019)
The contribution of a local partner can be accepted as third party contribution in the case where the local partner does not directly benefit from the project. Furthermore, the cost-share contribution cannot come from other country governments that are also beneficiaries of the project.
Would disadvantaged female refugees be eligible beneficiaries for this call? (February 20, 2019)
Yes, disadvantaged female refugees can be eligible beneficiaries, however, it is up to the proponent to both identify and justify how and why certain population groups should be targeted.
Is this call open to non-Canadian international NGOs? (February 20, 2019)
Please clarify what you mean by consortium? (February 20, 2019)
A consortium is defined as a grouping of organizations (two or more) retaining their status as separate legal entities and regrouping to carry out a project together without creating a new legal entity.
In the case where all member organizations of the consortium are signatories to the funding agreement, they are jointly and severally responsible for the agreement, including a commitment to respect cost sharing and accountability for project outcomes. However, they will need to appoint a lead member to receive the funding from Global Affairs Canada, manage the funds and disburse the funds.
In the case where only one organization is a signatory to the agreement and the other organizations have an agreement with the signatory, liability will be limited to the signatory to the agreement, including a commitment to cost sharing and achievement of project outcomes. For more information, please consult the following page Questions and answers about applying for funding.
Can an organization submit one application as an applicant and another as a partner member? (February 20, 2019)
No. Your organization may submit only one application under this call. If your organization submits more than one application, we will only consider the application with the earliest submission time-stamp.
Can a Canadian for-profit organization make an agreement with an NGO from the host country, who is not a local partner, and apply as a consortium? (March 1, 2019)
Is the Call for Preliminary Proposals a one-time funding opportunity or a possibly recurring initiative? (March 1, 2019)
This call is a specific one-time funding opportunity. Please sign up for the RSS feed or check the website frequently for notifications of other calls.
Regarding the provision of two examples to “demonstrate relevant experience in countries eligible for official development assistance [ODA],” can these examples be from projects in any country eligible for ODA, or must the two examples be of projects that took place in Latin America and the Caribbean ODA countries only? (March 1, 2019)
In order to meet the eligibility requirements, these examples can be from any country eligible for ODA, including outside of Latin America and the Caribbean ODA countries. Please keep in mind, however, that eligible proposals are assessed comparatively, and the relevance and strength of the experience examples provided play an important part in the merit assessment.
Do the same activities in the proposal have to be carried out equally in all countries, or could there be a different focus in different countries? (March 1, 2019)
Either approach is valid under this call.
In what currency (U.S. or Canadian dollar) is the amount of available funding, which ranges from $2 million to $5 million? (March 1, 2019)
All amounts in the call page and all amounts presented in the proposal must be in Canadian dollars.
Can we request, as part of the project, funding for scholarships for young leaders in Latin America? (March 1, 2019)
The intent of this call for preliminary proposals is not to create a scholarship program. However, targeted education and training activities are eligible as part of a broader project.
We are not officially registered with the Canadian grant portal, and we would like to see the list of all countries eligible for ODA (not just in Latin America and the Caribbean). We are requesting this list so that we can know what countries can serve as examples in order to meet the “demonstrate relevant experience in countries eligible for official development assistance” requirement. (March 1, 2019)
It is strongly recommended that you register in Partners@International now if you are considering applying in this or any future call. The process could take up to 10 business days, and proposals cannot be submitted outside the portal.
For an idea of the list of countries in the portal, you can check the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of ODA-eligible countries. This list can be accessed via the OECD website by downloading the Excel spreadsheet with the DAC and Common Reporting Standard list of codes and clicking on the Recipient tab. local cities/municipalities eligible to apply, since they are not a sovereign entity? (March 1, 2019)
Local cities and municipalities that are legally incorporated entities would be eligible to apply.
Does research and capacity building for local organizations count as “implementing a development project”? (March 1, 2019)
Yes, research and capacity building are eligible activities. As indicated in the call background page under “Coordination, collaboration and gender integration,” the call also seeks innovative partnerships and greater investments in research, as well as closer collaboration with Canadian universities and other research institutions.
However, please note, your project must align with at least one of the three programming pillars as outlined in the call page.Are services, etc., provided by a university eligible for (in-kind) cost-sharing, or do they constitute funds from Canadian federal government sources? (March 1, 2019)
Yes, they are eligible for (in-kind) cost sharing. They are not Canadian federal government sources. However, services must be provided without compensation to be considered an in-kind contribution.
Is it possible for the applicant organization to present a preliminary proposal in partnership with a UN agency or other multilateral organization? (March 1, 2019)
Multilateral organizations cannot be signatories under this call. However, a multilateral organization that is legally incorporated in a country in the Latin America and Caribbean region can be listed as a local partner, but please keep in mind the objective of local ownership, as this will be considered in the assessment of eligible proposals.
In the case of a consortium, could you confirm that it is not necessary that each partner meets the eligibility requirement of past managed projects? Could the two project management examples be provided by only one of the partners? Is it necessary that the lead partner provide one or both examples? (March 1, 2019)
Yes, the eligibility requirement of project experience can be met by just one member (signatory) of the consortium. Experience examples provided by non-signatory partners (partners who will not sign the funding agreement with Global Affairs Canada, should funding be provided) will not be considered in the eligibility screening.
Can funds be sub-granted under this initiative? (March 1, 2019)
If the sub-grant leads to the achievement of the ultimate outcome, then it will be assessed during the review of the proposal.
Could you provide a specific definition of “multilateral organization” for the purpose of this proposal? (March 1, 2019)
A multilateral organization is an organization created by treaty between two or more sovereign states.
Does the prior experience have to come from a development project focused on working with women, or can it be from a comprehensive project that includes women as one of the themes? (March 1, 2019)
Both are valid under this call, as long as the experience is from an international development project.
Please be sure to review the explanations of gender equality in Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and on the first page of the preliminary proposal form.
Are local implementing partners considered subcontractors? (March 1, 2019)
You can have a local partner and/or a local subcontractor, but a local partner cannot be a subcontractor.
Can an organization that is currently receiving Global Affairs Canada funding apply as a partner for this proposal? (March 1, 2019)
Are “audit costs” considered eligible expenses? (March 1, 2019)
Is there any further guidance on in-kind contributions? (March 1, 2019)
An in-kind contribution is defined as a non-cash contribution provided to the project in the form of goods or services to which a value can be attributed, and that would have been otherwise purchased and paid for during the project life cycle to achieve the results.
Please note that an in-kind contribution is applicable only for a direct eligible cost (a cost essential to achieving the project results).
Is the full proposal template or guidelines available at this time to help with future planning? (March 1, 2019)
Potential applicants to a call are always expected to read How to apply for funding through a call for preliminary proposals. At the bottom of this page, there is an example of a full proposal template, provided only to indicate the level and nature of detail required in a full proposal. Please do not work on a full proposal unless invited in a director-signed letter.
Is it possible to have just one intermediate level result? (March 1, 2019)
Please consult the Results-based management for international assistance – A how-to guide.
Is it possible to contribute to one of the intermediate results listed on the call page and to propose a second one (created by us and not listed)? (March 1, 2019)
Is it obligatory for proposals to include all potential components relating to prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), or can they prioritize certain components and services for prevention and response? (March 1, 2019)
No, it is not obligatory to include all potential components relating to prevention and response to SGBV.
Does “access to employment” refer to formal employment only in the private sector, or can the proposal include support for informal income-generation initiatives led by women and their organizations, including initiatives implemented by grassroots groups, associations, cooperatives, networks etc.? (March 1, 2019)
Both are valid under this call.
Can the proposal include work to improve gender equity and equality within mixed grassroots income-generation organizations (such as cooperatives and associations) and private companies -for example, gender policies, strategies and measures to improve gender equity in relation to hiring, salary, promotion, access to decision-making posts, training, labour rights, maternity, etc. (March 1, 2019)
Yes. However, any proposed activity must be aligned to the overall objective and results as outlined.
Is it obligatory that the proposal include work on employment and access to and control over resources, or can it focus on one of these issues (either employment or control over resources)? (March 1, 2019)
As per the intermediate level outcome, both must be addressed if the result statement is selected.
Is an organization able to present the completion of a volunteer cooperation program (VCP) as an example of past relevant experience (2009 to 2015) or current operational VCP in an advanced state of completion (2015 to 2020)? (March 1, 2019)
Such experience could possibly be used to pass the eligibility screening, should that experience comply with the experience required on the call page. However, as the projects sought under this call are not internship projects, keep in mind that such an example would not necessarily do well in the merit assessment.
Does the local partner/organizations need to be legally incorporated in one of the countries, or can it be a registered organization in the country? (March 1, 2019)
You must work in partnership with one or more local organizations that are legally incorporated in one of the countries where project activities are being planned.
Are applicants required to work directly with the affected population/ beneficiaries as described on the call page (i.e. women and girls), or can they work to strengthen feminist organizations that work with those women and girls? (March 1, 2019)
Both are valid under this call.
Do the lead organization and local partners need to demonstrate previous experience working together on a development project? (March 1, 2019)
Should a local partner be included as a signatory on the proposal? (March 1, 2019)
If they are the local partner, then they are not a signatory. They are, however, required to sign the local partner form.
Is there an expected date to begin project delivery? (March 1, 2019)
If you are invited to submit a full proposal, the project delivery date can be discussed at that time. Please note that projects funded under this call will not begin before April 1, 2020.
To what extent are previous proposals submitted as part of the Women’s Voice and Leadership initiative eligible for this call? (March 1, 2019)
Previously submitted proposals are eligible.
Would in-kind contributions (for eligible expenses) from a municipal government be an eligible in-kind contribution, if the intended recipients were the citizens/not-for-profit organizations residing/based in that municipality? Alternatively, are there examples that can be provided that would illustrate how broad or narrow the “intended recipients” definition could be? (March 1, 2019)
All sources of in-kind contributions are eligible (for eligible direct costs) apart from two sources: Canadian federal government sources (see clause 4.2.3 of the Policy on Cost-Sharing for Grant and Non-Repayable Contribution Agreements) and “intended recipients” (see clause 4.2.4 of the same policy).
Is there a budget template for this preliminary proposal? (March 1, 2019)
No, if you are invited to submit a full proposal, a budget template will be provided with the invitation.
Is the funding to local organizations only through reimbursements? (March 1, 2019)
Contractual modalities will only be discussed if you are invited to submit a full proposal.
Are there specific budget allocation requirements? (March 1, 2019)
What kind of security policies and procedures must the organization have in place in the country when working through a local partner? (March 1, 2019)
The signatory or signatories are responsible to ensure the safety and the security of its personnel. Global Affairs Canada shall assume no responsibility for the security of the signatory or signatories or their personnel.
If a non-profit microfinance organization is involved in the project but using its own funds, would this violate the policy of not allowing the recipient to generate profits or increase the value of the business? (March 1, 2019)
If the organization is a third-party contributor, then this would not violate the policy.
Can the funding amount requested exceed the annual budget declared in the latest available financial statements? (March 1, 2019)
Yes. Please keep in mind that during the assessment of eligible proposals, the applicant’s demonstrated capacity to manage the type and size of project proposed is assessed and compared with other applicants.
Is the thematic category of “enhanced and more systematic engagement of women in public leadership and decision-making processes in LAC” limited to political, state-related spaces (such as women’s participation in congress)? (March 1, 2019)
The call defines increasing women’s participation in public leadership as strengthening the effectiveness of women’s engagement in policy-making processes—for example, increasing women’s participation and capacity to engage in local politics and/or businesses or increasing their decision-making capabilities in any leadership role in the public sphere. Please consult the background page for further information.
Do “local partners” have to also be implementing partners, or can their role be limited to project design? (March 1, 2019)
Yes, the role could be limited to project design. However, the preference would be for proposals where the local partner is involved in the implementation of the project.
As mentioned on the call page, the preliminary proposal must also demonstrate how it will ensure the project’s sustainability by strengthening the capacities of the local partner organization(s).Can climate change be mentioned in the lower levels of the logic model? (March 1, 2019)
Is there a preferred scale for the projects? (March 1, 2019)
The geographic focus of your project must take place in two or more countries eligible for ODA within the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Is there a possibility to deliver the results under a non-exclusive license and use the knowledge from the project’s results to inform other projects? (March 1, 2019)
If an agreement is signed between Global Affairs Canada and an organization, the Intellectual Property clause will apply as stipulated in clause 19 of the Contribution Agreement - General Terms and Conditions.
Is there a possibility to limit the liability and the indemnification? (March 1, 2019)
Is there a restriction on construction or refurbishments under this call? (March 1, 2019)
No, there is no restriction on construction or refurbishments under this call. That said, the objectives of the call do not include major construction projects, and any planned construction or refurbishments must be reflected with adequate environmental sustainability analysis in the Theory of Change and later in the full proposal (should one be invited).
Can we include activities in Canada in the proposal? (March 1, 2019)
Will Global Affairs Canada allow for any variance between the total amount of Global Affairs Canada funding requested in the preliminary proposal and the total amount requested in the final proposal? (March 1, 2019)
Yes, but it is advisable to discuss this only if you are invited to submit a full proposal.
Regarding the 20% maximum allowed for subcontractors, are local partners subject to this rule? (March 1, 2019)
Local partners are exempt from this rule because they are not subcontractors. Subcontractors, local or otherwise, are not exempt.
As this is a gender equality (GE3) targeted call for proposals, is there a resource available on the GE3 assessment criteria or guidelines that will be used to evaluate the project’s alignment? (March 1, 2019)
Please consult Advancing gender equality for guidance on integrating gender equality in your project.
In the call page, it states that the organization needs to demonstrate that it has consulted with women and girls where applicable and that they expressed their needs, priorities and suggestions about the project. What tools or elements will be valid to demonstrate consultations with the community? (March 1, 2019)
It is up to the partner to choose how they will demonstrate that they have consulted women and girls.
How many women and girls are expected to be benefited by this project? (March 1, 2019)
There is no specified number.
Do you have an estimated date in which proponents would be invited to submit complete proposals? (March 1, 2019)
Could a local network or social movement be considered as “other project partner”? If so, could that network/movement be included in our proposal as “other project partner” (non-signatory) while being part of the proposal of another NGO as co-signatory? (March 1, 2019)
No, local partners have to be legally incorporated organizations.
If an organization chooses to address Intermediate Outcome 1: “enhanced and more systematic engagement of women in public leadership and decision-making processes in LAC, including on climate-change issues,” must it address climate-change issues, or is that just one example of many issues that may be addressed? (March 1, 2019)
You may adjust the call’s ultimate and intermediate outcome statements by adding precision, without changing them, to ensure they are grounded in the reality of your project design, making them more specific in terms of the who, what and where of your project.
The proposal form for the Women as agents of change in the Americas call asks for sectors. Can you please clarify what this means? (March 1, 2019)
This refers to the OECD DAC sector codes.
Is it possible to clarify what is meant by the term “resources” in the proposed intermediate outcome “improved and more equitable access to employment and control of resources by women in Latin America and the Caribbean.” (March 1, 2019)
As indicated in the call background page, this refers to both social and economic resources. Examples include land, housing, capital, technology, infrastructure, equipment, staff, etc.
Please consult the background page for further information.
Are certain types of resources (e.g. financial, natural and productive) considered as priorities? (March 1, 2019)
Can we use examples of projects within Canada’s borders to demonstrate capacity to lead projects of $2 million or more, or does the work have to be international? (March 1, 2019)
Examples of past projects must be from projects that have been implemented in a country that is eligible for ODA.
Are electronic signatures using software such as Docusign accepted on documents like financial records and the Organization Attestation? (March 6, 2019)
The use of electronic signatures using software such as Docusign is not supported by Global Affairs Canada’s current technology. Any required proposal and/or organizational documents, such as the Organization Attestation and financial statements, should be hand-signed and scanned.
For the Local Partner(s) - Information form, should organizations also list secondary partners who do not receive direct funding from the project? (March 6, 2019)
For the purposes of this call for proposals, organizations should list only the partners who will receive direct funding from the project.
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