Canada and the Organization of American States news
- Minister Joly to participate in General Assembly of Organization of American States
- Declaration of the OAS LGBTI Core Group on the commemoration of the Intersex Awareness Day
- Statement of the OAS LGBTI Core Group of Member States on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2020
- Joint Statement by the Founding Members of the OAS LGBTI Core Group
- Joint Statement: OAS LGBTI Core Group Welcomes Belize’s Supreme Court Decision on Consensual Private Sexual Acts Between Adults
- OAS LGBTI Core Group Statement: International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- Statement of the third meeting of the Lima Group on the situation in Venezuela
- Members of the OAS LGBTI Core Group Welcome Advisory Opinion 24/17 of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on LGBTI Rights
- Canada welcomes OAS resolution on crisis in Venezuela
- Joint Statement on Recent Developments in The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
- Joint Communique of Member States of the OAS on recent events in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
- Declaration on Venezuela
- Resolution on the recent events in Venezuela
- Declaration on the situation in Venezuela
- Lima Declaration on the situation in Venezuela
- Statement of the Lima Group on the take-over of the functional competencies of the Venezuelan National Assembly
- Declaration of the Second Meeting of the Lima Group on the Situation in Venezuela
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